Showing posts with label Business Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Education. Show all posts


How Guerilla Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow

The Application of Guerilla Marketing to Business

      Guerrilla marketing was founded by Jay Conrad Levinson. This marketing principle is aiming at the maximum possible target using the minimum possible costs, such as promotions in media that reach a large number of viewers.

Guerilla Marketing in Business

To make it easier for viewers to be attracted, advertisements must be creative. Guerilla marketing also emphasizes sporadic, low-cost communication with optimal results.
Along with the expansion of internet users, this type of marketing activity has spread to the online world or is popularly known as guerilla digital marketing.
Know more about guerilla marketing and how it can be applied to business.

What Is Guerrilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is a marketing method in which a company uses surprise and/or unusual interactions to promote a product or service. (
Guerrilla marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it relies more on personal interaction, and focuses on smaller groups responsible for getting the word out in a specific location rather than through widespread media campaigns.

Concept of Guerilla Marketing in Business

Guerrilla marketing is an advertising strategy using unconventional and low-cost methods such as: graffiti, sticker bombing, flash mobs, etc.
The guerrilla marketing concept was first developed as an unconventional system of promotion that relied on time, energy and imagination rather than large marketing budgets.
The goal of the guerrilla marketing concept is to create an interactive, communicative, unique concept that attracts people to think.
All of this is done to generate buzz, to encourage people to talk more about your brand and your business.

Strategy for Implementing Guerrilla Marketing in Business

Here are some specific ways or strategies for using the concept of guerrilla marketing in your business.

Get a Community
To carry out this guerrilla marketing concept, you need a community that is in accordance with the product or service that you will offer.
You can find or build a community with the help of social media. Understand and learn what that community wants.

Perform Flash Mobs
Flash mob is a form of street theater that is performed suddenly, which is usually presented in an interesting and fun way.
Of course you have to prepare documentation so that the flash mob video can be posted on YouTube and other social networks.
The more attractive a flash mob is, the easier it will become viral on social media.

Make the Buying Process Easier
Many people don't like going through complicated transaction processes to buy something. The guerrilla marketing concept can be applied to make the tedious and difficult part a little easier.

Ready to Deal with Complaints and Criticisms
Once you have presented your business to the public via social media, you must be prepared to handle complaints and criticism. Facebook, twitter etc. is a place on the internet where everyone has the freedom to voice their opinion.
Starting from positive feedback, compliments on your services, to criticism and complaints.
However, many cases of false complaints are usually made by business competitors.
Therefore, you must be prepared to discuss any complaint issues via private messages, so that the explanation can be more personal.
After you find a satisfactory solution, post the results on social media.
Block any party who intentionally wants to damage your business reputation in cyberspace.

Always Update on Changes and New Things
Social media is constantly changing. So you should pay attention to the trend. Don't get left behind in following guerrilla marketing developments.
Start with tactics and strategies to bring your business closer to your followers on social media. Pay attention to market tastes, think about your ideas, and make strategic plans.
After everything is ready, then do the implementation and see the results.

Example of a Campaign using Guerilla Marketing Concepts

Guerilla marketing is a marketing strategy that uses creative ideas to have a large impact with low marketing costs.
This guerilla marketing strategy is widely used by small-scale businesses or businesses so they can compete in competition with large companies.
Example of a campaign using the unique concept of guerilla marketing:

UNICEF Finland's “Be a Mom for a while” campaign
UNICEF Finland wants to spread awareness about the human rights of children. They placed several baby bassinets in places where people would often pass by.
And plays the audio of the baby crying from inside the bassinet. People passing by will usually check the contents of the bassinet.
Then they'll find a note inside that says “Thanks for caring. We hope there are many caring people like you. UNICEF-Be a mom for a moment'”.

Promotion in the form of creative advertising is actually quite simple. Guerrilla marketing can be said to be successful if the advertisements that are created are not only impressive, but also shareable on various social media.
The advantage of this marketing concept is that there are no standard boundaries that must be met. The creative team and public relations can collaborate with each other to make advertisements that are attractive, sellable, and will be kept in the minds of consumers.
Proper marketing strategy will determine the success of a business.


Advantages of POS System for Franchise Business

The Benefits of using a POS System for Franchise Business 

     Just like the normal business model, the franchise business model also requires a mature and integrated operational system such as a POS system or point of sale.
The ability to manage finances, manage inventory, and provide real-time financial reports are some of the main advantages and features of a POS system that are needed in various business models, including franchise businesses.

POS System for Franchise Business

Point-of-sale (POS) systems are a must-have tool for today's brick-and-mortar business.
Globally, the POS market is growing at a healthy rate and is forecast to reach $26.61 billion by 2028.
Now, more and more businesses are shifting from using basic cash registers to POS systems due to the benefits such as greater operational efficiency. (
Business owners or franchisors can control and monitor each outlet they own through a single system. Do you also have a franchise business or a franchise business manager? Check out the following advantages of the POS system for franchise businesses:

Realtime and Secure

A point of sale system that uses a cloud base to store data allows franchise business owners to have a secure backup of sales-related data and avoid the risk of loss.
In addition, by using a POS system that is connected online, you can check real-time sales or business finances from anywhere and anytime.

Franchisees Performance Monitoring

Franchise business owners must carefully look at the business reports of each franchise manager, because business reports are an important factor for monitoring the performance of each franchise.
Data management to be processed into reports must also be standardized, and of course requires special staff. But what if not all branches really count and record the report materials carefully?
Or what if reports are only available once a month?

Therefore the POS system is very much needed in a franchise business. The "report" feature in the POS system for franchising is managed directly by the system in an actual, effective and efficient manner.
The reports that you get are real-time and complete, from sales reports to inventory. So that the franchisees do not have to bother collecting and summarizing data.
That way, evaluating the business performance of each franchise can be done more effectively, and any problems can be detected earlier.

One System for All

Franchise businesses rely on replication as their business model, and the POS system makes that easy.
Without having to have a special server or expensive equipment, franchisors can directly duplicate their business for their users or franchise managers below.
Products sold, list of inventory items, product selling prices, so that production costs can be duplicated for each franchise you have.
This can be done because the modern POS system's storage mode is cloud-based. So that one brand can be accessed and regulated through one door at a time.

POS System Facilitates Franchise Management

Usually, franchisees or franchise managers are new entrepreneurs trying out the business world. So, to minimize the potential for failure, these franchisees need a system to facilitate their work.
One of the most effective and appropriate ways to use a franchise business is the POS system or point of sale.
From inventory management, customer management, staff work arrangements, to up-to-date sales reports, the system will manage it directly.
Modern POS systems tend to have a simple interface that makes it easy for employees to use without the need for special training that takes time.

Modern device designs at affordable prices also reduce the cost of opening a franchise, so investors or prospective franchisees will be more interested.
Plus, the use of the POS system for this franchise business only requires an internet network, so that it can reduce other costs that are borne by prospective franchisees.

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

Another way to increase sales is to offer a BNPL, which allows customers to purchase goods and repay them over time, usually in four installments.
Previously only for bulk purchases, now it is possible to apply it to purchases of various sizes. In fact, by offering BNPL, your business can improve conversions and sales. The BNPL payment is expected to increase to 24% of all purchases by 2026.

In the end, the POS system allows franchisees to operate efficiently, and their costs are more affordable.
In fact, many established POS brands offer systems for $0.00 in software costs.
If you've been grappling with a register-versus-POS decision, look for brands that offer free trials or short-term contracts and operate on hardware you may already own (such as an iPad). Browse and read the best POS systems for franchising to find the one that fits your needs.


Mistakes in Running a Food Business

Avoid These Common Mistakes While Running a Food Business 

     The food or culinary business is one of the types of business that many people choose, because it is considered easier to do than other businesses.
However, this assumption is not entirely true. In fact, the culinary business is a relatively complicated business because it requires a lot of innovation and continuous creativity.
Unanticipated mistakes when running a food business make many entrepreneurs bankrupt, because they are unable to face business competition. Here are some mistakes that culinary business owner often make that you should avoid.

Failed Food Business


Success in the early stages of business often makes an entrepreneur not focus on growing his business.
Sometimes they are tempted to build other side businesses.
This is normal. However, if everything is done too hastily and without proper planning, it will distract you and not focus on growing the food business that you are already running.


A successful business will give you a large income. However, this income often makes you become more consumptive.
Money earned from business is often used for entertainment and not saved or used to develop the business. This consumptive nature can inhibit business development.

No Shared Ownership

One way to develop a culinary business is to share business ownership with other people, through investing in shares or franchising.
However, many people are scared to do this. They think that sharing ownership will make profits less or make a loss.
In fact, if this is done with the right system, the division of ownership will make the business bigger and reduce the financial risks that must be borne by the business owner.

Producing without a Permit or License

Health inspectors are like your local sheriff when it comes to food production. You don't want to let them down, because if you are found to have committed an offence, health inspectors can close your food business on the spot.
Make sure you contact the health department to see if you need a license to manufacture food – especially if you are thinking about producing food in your home. Licenses can cost from $50 – $500 and more in some cases. Make sure you budget the costs too.

Stop Innovating

In the culinary business, innovation and creativity is one of the mandatory requirements.
When the food business products that are sold have received good consumer response and are generating large profits, business owners sometimes neglect to innovate.
If you want to develop your business, don't stop innovating. Remember that there will always be competition, and if you don't want to lose in business competition, you should stay creative to create new, unique business products.

Market Research

Favorite food is often an inspiration for someone to turn it into a business. However, keep in mind that not all foods that you like will be liked by others. (
Lots of people have different tastes in food. Do a market survey before deciding on the food product to sell. Mistakes in choosing food products to sell will result in products not selling well.

Don't Know the Ccost of Your Product

These are the most important factors. You should know how much it costs to manufacture your food product. That means materials, packaging and labour.
Your product costs drive your company's profitability. If you do not charge enough for your food products, you will not be able to cover your operating costs.

Price Competition

In running a culinary business, competition is impossible to avoid. This price competition is not only seen in the same product competition, but also price competition.
Price competition is something to be anticipated. Because often your competitors will sell the same goods at lower prices to attract customers.
To overcome this, try to sell products that are cheap but still have good taste and quality by pressing a little profit.

You Put it all on a Debit Card

The cash-intensive food industry. That means a lot of cash out. At the same time, you are waiting 30 – 60 days for your cash to come in. It can let you down when you are trying to grow. The credit card value is that you get 30 "extra" days to pay the bill. It's great when invoices from your suppliers are in the thousands. Before you run and finance your food business with three credit cards, make sure you have enough money in the bank to pay it off.


Avoid these Mistakes when You Start a Business

Ccommon Mistakes to Avoid When You Start a New Business 

     Perhaps you know the quote "Failure is the beginning of success". It is true, there is no successful person in this world who has never experienced failure. However, you can minimize or avoid these failures by carefully calculating failures before starting a business. Here are some mistakes that are often made when people start a business.

Mistakes when You Start a Business

Bad Planning

Good planning for starting a business is absolutely essential. In addition to having to take into account all constraints, planning must also be realistic, accurate, up to date, and take into account targets.
To make the right business plan, you must determine the type of business product, determine the target market, find the advantages of your product, and carry out financial and administrative management plans.

Never Do Market Research

Do not start a business without conducting market research. How do you know there's a market for your business? Doing market research will help you understand better what consumers are looking for and how to reach them. (
Test your products and services in the market before you start your business.

Incorrect Location

Location determines achievement. When you choose the wrong location, the goal of becoming a businessman can also fail. Location is something that must be considered, because location also determines the development of your business. Therefore, before choosing a location, take into account the following:
1. Easily accessible location. Make sure the consumer is not hampered when heading to the location. The location has a parking area and street lighting, this also needs to be considered.
2. Pay attention to competitors around the site, so that your business opportunities are wide open.
3. Make sure the location is safe.
4. Do research on your potential business location to find out good market opportunities.

Underestimate Competitors

Knowing business competitors needs to be done, so that your business is not left behind from the others. By getting to know your competitors, you can have a better business concept as a business strategy.
This is done not to imitate competitors, but to find out how competitors serve consumers, market their products, price the products offered, to the tricks of promoting their products. So that you can find gaps from your competitors and make your business products different and more attractive, even if the products you offer are similar.

Underestimating Social Media

In today's digital era, social media plays a very important role. You can take advantage of the increasing number of Internet users to promote your business.
Social media can minimize promotional costs, such as print and electronic media advertisements which cost quite a lot.
Manage your business social media properly, don't be careless or just casual. Because social media is a reflection of your business in the virtual world.

Rarely Offer Promotions

If you are just starting a business, you should provide attractive promotions to attract consumers.
This trick is very effective if you want to survive in increasingly tight business competition.
Just give a simple promo and not complicated or long-winded. For example, by uploading consumer photos on social media accounts using your business products, and consumers will get discount vouchers.

Only Rely on Store

Occasionally try to follow the bazaar. Choose a bazaar with a strategic location and attract a lot of visitor interest. The bazaar is not only aimed at selling your business products, but also to gather networks and raise awareness about your business to the public.
From the bazaar, you can learn from other businesses how they offer their products. So you will be more motivated to grow your business.

Terrible Management

Mistakes or bad management are indeed common. Especially for beginner entrepreneurs who are just starting their business. Knowledge of management is essential to help you survive and grow your business. Financial management, purchasing, selling, production, and employee recruitment, is important to do as well as possible.

One of the most frequent mistakes new business owners make is a lack of preparation. Many entrepreneurs want to get their business idea to market, but don't take the time to write a solid business plan, hire the right people, and raise enough capital, so it's highly likely that their business will fail.
By avoiding the mistakes above, you can minimize the risk of failure in starting a business and maximize business success. In addition, to avoid the risk of business failure, you must also do good business management.


How to Convert Visitors into Buyers in Online Business

Tips to Convert Your Web Visitors into Buyers

     The amount of visits to the website cannot be a benchmark that sales will increase and business is growing better. This is because visitors are just window shopping in your online shop.
Many factors can cause visitors to just window shop at your online store, one of which is because your online store design is not attractive, eye-catching and user friendly.
An online store is an important element in your business that must be regularly maintained and updated, because your business storefront is there. Here are some tips to convert your website visitors into buyers.

Beautiful Woman doing Online Shopping with Laptop

Define Your Web Strategy.

Ask yourself, what's the most important function of your website? Promote your company and product? Providing information? Pursuing two or three strategies is fine, as long as you don't try to do all of them at once. If you're not clear on what you want your customers to do, they won't either. (

Attractive Online Store Design

Online store design is very influential for business development. So, as an online shop owner, you have to make the design as attractive as possible, so that visitors are interested in stopping by and buying products at your online shop. Don't use a design that is monotonous or contains only text, or only shows off your product photos with perfunctory photos. Make it look fresh and eye-catching.

Create a Clear Product Description

Product descriptions that are clear and easy to understand are necessary, because sellers and buyers do not meet in person, but transactions are made online.
So, when marketing a product, try to add a complete product description, starting from size, color, material used, and so on.
If the product description is made carelessly, online shop visitors will be lazy to look, those who previously wanted to buy, but because the product information is not clear, they will be discouraged.

Attractive Product Photos

Product photos are also a factor that can convert visitors to your online store into buyers.
We recommend that you use HD (High Definition) quality photos so that the photos look clear and good.
A clear photo will show the details and color of the product similar to the original. Take several photo angles from several angles to show your product details from different angles. This is a service that you must provide to visitors, who are likely to become your prospective buyers.

Provide Product Color Variants

The choice of product color variants is also a factor that can convert visitors to buyers. Sometimes the limited color variants make visitors not interested in the product you offer. For example, you have an online store that sells t-shirts, the colors that you offer are only 2 colors, black and white. While potential buyers sometimes like a variety of colors, such as brown, black, yellow, etc.
If the color variant they want is not available in your store, then they will look for another online store that provides a wide selection of colors.

Use Live Chat Features

Online business is not like offline stores that allow visitors to ask store employees directly. Therefore, you must provide a live chat feature as a substitute for your store employee.
With this service, visitors can easily ask questions about the products you sell. This is especially important in the world of e-commerce, as answering customer questions can increase your chances of converting visitors into buyers, which results in increased sales.

Create Urgency Conditions

This is a surefire strategy to make your online shop visitors into customers. You have to be able to lead online store visitors to become buyers by setting a product promotion period.
Make it appear as if potential buyers will be harmed if they don't buy your product right away, for example, by making a bonus offer or discount if the prospective buyer makes a transaction right away, if the transaction is on another day the bonus and discount are no longer valid.

Provide Multiple Payment Options

Ease of payment can make visitors interested in purchasing the products you offer. You have to provide as many payment options as possible to make it easier for buyers to make payment transactions at your online store. Sometimes, difficulties with payment options will keep potential buyers from completing a purchase transaction.

In the end, the key is knowing what your goals are and measuring progress toward those goals. Decide how many visits, how many leads and how many new customers you want to reach every month. Be realistic about your goals and see your web marketing as an ongoing project.


Reasons Your Products Aren't Selling and How to Overcome It

Entrepreneurs, These are Reasons why Your Products Fail

      Product is the main factor that must be considered when you are running a business. The achievement of product sales targets is the main goal in running a business. It's not an easy task.
There are many factors that make the product you are selling fail in the market. Internal and external factors can influence whether or not a business product behaves.
If these factors are not immediately identified and solutions sought, the development of your business will be threatened. The following are the factors causing the product to sell poorly and the solutions to overcome them.

Businesswoman has a headache because her product is not selling

What is a Product Failure?

Product failure means failing to meet the strategic objective & key result (OKR) metrics defined for the product. Those goals can be multidimensional and go beyond financial goals for revenue and profit, such as establishing a new competitive advantage or providing new upsell opportunities for other products. (

Internal Factors that Cause Products to Fail

Inadequate Marketing Strategy Planning
Weak planning in determining the marketing strategy is something that can cause products not to sell well.
It is often missed by business owners. In fact, planning a marketing strategy is a key thing that must be done before you start a business.
The solution is when you plan a marketing strategy, make sure that the strategy is consumer-oriented. So that the goal of a business is achieved, namely the product can be sold.

The Price is Too Expensive
Price is one of the factors the product is not selling well. Mistakes in product pricing are often made by business owners, especially beginners.
In this era, smart consumers will definitely compare the products they are going to buy.
Sometimes products with almost the same quality but with a high price difference can turn consumers away.
Solution: You must conduct a price survey of your competitors who sell similar products.
Do a survey of several competitors in the area you will market your product.

Target Market that is too Wide
A target market that is too wide can cause your product not to sell. Because your focus is divided to all groups of people in marketing the product.
This often happens because some business owners want to obtain the maximum profit.
The solution is that you need to make a priority target market, so that the marketing strategy that you develop is more focused and on target.

Market Segmentation
Another common reason for product failure is trying to pursue the wrong market, or the wrong market segment.
Your market should be divided into segments using criteria such as region, consumer behavior, or vertical business areas. Once the market segments are defined, including personas for buyers and users, the business potential must be assessed. The areas to consider include:
- Market size
- Competitive survival
- The ability of your company to serve it
- Your product requests
Product managers can begin to assess the business potential of a market using secondary quantitative research sources such as Gartner Research's Industry reports. After that, if the market still looks attractive, follow up with primary qualitative research to find out the need, applicability of your product offering, and the willingness of customers to pay for your solution.

Bad Financial Planning
Finance is the most crucial thing in business, because the initial growth and movement of a business is in finance.
Financial planning is often sidelined, because business people only prepare funds without planning.
Thus, many companies went out of business because the existing funds ran out before the business grew.
Solution: plan your business finances neatly, in detail, and thoroughly.
Make a good plan and carry out what you have planned.

External Factors that Cause Products to Fail

Business Competition
Competition in the business world cannot be avoided, especially competition between similar products. If you can't look for the advantages of your product, then your product will fail in the market.
Solution: find and build your product advantages.

Poor Human Resources
Even if the product you sell is of good quality and more
superior compared to other similar products, but without the support of good human resources, it will be in vain.
Human resource support in a business, if presented, is probably around 70%.
Without a good production, packaging, distribution, and marketing team, your product will not be sold.
Solution: seek qualified human resources. Conduct training for each employee and evaluation every week.

In addition to the factors above, poor financial management can also have an impact on the failure of the product you are selling. Because the product you are selling will decrease in quality when financial management is chaotic. Funds for the purchase of product raw materials, operational funds, and others are not recorded and managed properly.


How to Improve Service Quality in Business

Ultimate Ways to Improve Your Customer Service Quality

      Good service quality will have an effect on the business. Every customer who comes will be happy if they get good service. With good service quality, loyal customers will be created who will recommend your business to others, so that you will add more new customers.

Business Customer Service

But to be able to make good service in the business is not easy. If there is even one customer who is disappointed with the service you provide, then the effect can be big, creating a negative stigma that your business service is poor for people.
So as a business owner, you have to provide quality services that can make your business grow. Here's how to increase the quality of your business services.

Fast and Responsive Service

Most customers certainly want to be served fast and responsive. Respond means that what you say must match what the customer wants. Don't just be fast but not in accordance with what is intended by the customer. (
If there are a lot of queues, then your solution can be to provide neat queue numbers, comfortable places, and some other entertainment so that customers don't get bored while waiting in line.

Provide a Call Center

Customers who call by telephone should be prioritized first, because customers like these usually have more important matters.
If it's just a trivial matter, of course customers will prefer to contact via social media accounts, SMS or email.
Make sure there are trained employees to answer the phone at a call center service.

Listen to Customer Complaints

Listening is one of the most difficult activities to do. But this is an important factor in improving your business services.
Sometimes customers who talk a lot, some of them just want to be heard, so your job is to listen to these customers attentively so they feel valued and expected.
After the customer has finished submitting his complaint, try to provide good feedback and solutions that answer their complaint.

Maintaining Politeness

The customer is like a king, so you should serve him well.
Communication with customers is carried out in a polite manner, so that they feel comfortable with the service you provide.
Politeness should always be at the forefront, even if it is a customer who is upsetting you. Hold training to teach the values of politeness to all employees, especially those directly involved with customers.

Be patient

Patience does have its limits, but you still have to deal with situations that drain your patience.
Don't get caught up in your emotions so that you speak inappropriate words. This is what will make things even more complicated, thus making the value of your business services worse.
To improve the quality of service, try to deal with customers with a clear mind, because it will result in something positive.

Searching for the Right Solution

Customers who make complaints certainly want a problem resolution.
Customer complaints occur because customers feel aggrieved or feel dissatisfied with the product or service quality you provide. Therefore, you must be able to provide good solutions to customers, so that both parties are not harmed.

Keep Your Promise

If you really can't keep promises to customers, then it's better if you are honest if you can't. Because if you give false promises to customers, customer confidence in the business will be lost, so customers will turn away.

Admit Mistakes

No matter how successful your business is, you must have experienced mistakes, both big and small mistakes. Therefore, you must be able to admit and accept the error. If a customer feels aggrieved, then provide a solution immediately. Precisely by admitting mistakes and apologizing to customers, you can restore trust in your business.

Train Your Employees

Make sure your employees are trained before starting work, so they know their duties and responsibilities. If necessary, schedule regular training or training once every few months, so that they understand more about their duties and obligations. For new employees, it is better to do a training period of at least a month, in order to adapt to the new work environment.

Ask for Feedback from Customers

Feedback plays an important role in the sustainability of a business. With feedback, you can find out the extent to which the products and services you have provided to customers, whether they are good or whether there are still deficiencies. Ask customers to provide feedback on the service you have provided.

That is how to improve service quality in business. If you can implement this strategy well, your business will be more successful. The advantage of improving the quality of service is the increase in customers which can make profits increase.


6 Profitable Digital Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Business Ideas for Aspiring Digital Entrepreneurs

     Current technology is developing very rapidly. Technology business products also play a major role in the development of human life.
The number of new technologies today, raises several business opportunities in the field of information technology that are profitable.
There are many business ideas that can be executed to be able to become an IT entrepreneur.

Digital Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Profitable Information Technology Business Opportunity Ideas

1. WebDeveloper
Website is one example of an IT product that has become one of the things that must be owned by a business.
There are many benefits of having a website for a business, including introducing a profile, increasing credibility, promotion, media communication, etc.
Therefore, the opportunity to create a web developer business right now is very appropriate, because many people need it, from private classes, business classes, to corporate classes.

2. Mobile Application Product Business
The development of mobile applications has experienced quite high growth, year after year the development is very significant
Especially with the rise of smartphones that make mobile applications an example of a profitable IT business product.

According to the data, the most downloaded mobile applications were in the Games category (21.69%), second place in the Education and Reference category (14.6%), third in the Business and Productivity category (13.90%).
The data states that the technology business in the game application field is the best selling at the moment, so this can be your opportunity to start a business in the mobile application product sector.

3. SEO Consultant
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one way to get your website on the first page of Google searches, so that more visitors come to your website.
The knowledge of SEO is still rarely mastered, meaning that there are still wide open opportunities to create an SEO technology business.
Moreover, the cost of SEO services is relatively expensive, especially on websites that have tough competition.

4. Graphic Design Services Business
Graphic design services also have big opportunities Not everyone can do a design even though they already have the application.
The selling price for a design is quite expensive depending on the skills of the designer.
You must have a large portfolio, the goal is for clients to know the results of the designs you have made and to offer prices more easily to clients.
You can look for clients on several famous freelance websites to offer services related to graphic design.

5. Create an Online Course
You might think it's a boring digital business, it's not if you're creative-minded.
Think of something that you have mastered over the years. Are you an excellent musician? Do you know how to perform complex video edits? (
There are always people willing to learn about your broad range of skills and whatever it is you know.
If you play the piano, consider starting an online beginner's program. Plan each lesson, thinking about what is of the greatest value.
The price is not important, it is the amount of value you will provide to others who will appreciate your expertise.

6, Content Writer
If you love to write, this digital business idea might be for you. Becoming a content writer is a skill that is in high demand today.
The results of the content writer's writing are used to attract traffic on a website.
This traffic is expected to increase a company's brand awareness and become leads or prospects for customers in the future.
Currently, there are many companies that offer freelance content writing services. Of course, this digital business opportunity can be your additional income.

As technology progresses, there are new ways to make money. 10 years ago there weren't that many people who uploaded their music videos on online platforms like Youtube and made an income. However, now many people start their music careers through Youtube and have many fans.
This condition is an example of the benefits of using technology in a positive way and can be a digital business idea to run.

In the digital business, distance and time are not the main constraints. You can enjoy online food products that are sold outside the city and reach your hands in a matter of days. You don't need to queue to buy cinema tickets because they can be ordered via your smartphone. Of course there are still many advantages that can be taken from this digital business phenomenon.


Successful Entrepreneurs Have these 6 Traits

Successful Entrepreneurs Usually have these Traits

     At present, business is not only done by people in their mature age. Many young people have been interested in starting a business in the last few years. For those of you who also feel interested in doing business, you have to start developing a business soul within you.

Successful Entrepreneurs

Talent and business soul are not enough to achieve success in doing business. Business success will usually be more determined by the personal character of each person. For those of you who are ready to be successful as an entrepreneur, you should start learning some of the characters to become a successful entrepreneur below.

Dare to Begin

Every activity has its own risks, especially in carrying out business activities. Many young people are afraid to start a business because of the risks that they will face.
If you have decided to start a business, never back down, try to keep moving forward and never listen to negative words from other people.
Being brave here doesn't mean being careless, you also have to be good at calculating the risks you're going to take.
Doing business at a young age is the right choice, because you still have a lot of energy to work harder, you also have lots of time to learn from mistakes. Remember, one key to success is courage.


Don't make age your excuse for not being disciplined. When you decide to run a business, the first thing you should instill is discipline. By having this character, you will find it easier to achieve success in business. Because you will get used to working with focus and clear goals.
Keep in mind, success will not come without hard work. So, when you have decided to do business, start to instill a sense of discipline in yourself.


Fast-growing businesses are often built on creativity. With today's aggressive competition, entrepreneurs are forced to come up with original ideas that set their business apart from the rest.
Creativity can mean thinking of unique business ideas. It can come into play when it comes to finding a relationship between two unrelated things to solve a problem. (
Creative entrepreneurs usually weigh in on the possibility that traditional solutions are not good enough.

Think Critically

Being an entrepreneur, means that you have to be creative and innovative. But, that's not enough to make you successful in doing business at a young age, moreover business competition is increasing. To be successful, you also have to think critically.
Critical thinking is the ability to analyze existing facts in order to form ideas and defend them and make comparisons.

By making comparisons, you can draw conclusions and look for solutions to existing problems. With critical thinking, it's easier for you to provide everything consumers like.
At a young age, it is also easier for you to read trends, as well as needs that move more quickly from time to time.
Critical thinking in reading and analyzing trends, then your business will continue to grow.


You also have to be adaptable in the business world to anticipate changing trends that are so fast.
By having an adaptive character, you will find it easier to survive in a business world that is constantly moving with change.
As an entrepreneur, you also have to adapt to various technologies and use them to provide the best customer experience.

Thank Criticism

Many young entrepreneurs don't like criticism Though criticism can be input and good learning for you. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you must be prepared to accept criticism.
Keep in mind, criticism does not mean to bring you down, but to help you develop more.
By accepting criticism, it means you also want to admit mistakes, and are ready to be responsible for everything you do.

Those are some of the characters that you must have to achieve success in business at a young age. Apart from that, when you are ready to run a business, you must also be prepared to manage your finances well.
By managing your finances well, you can find out your financial condition, so that you can make business decisions more easily.


Tip to Successfully Run an Auto Business

Automotive Business, The Way to Succeed!

     Nearly everyone needs transportation to get to work, and live their life. Because cars are so important to the everyday lives of Americans, the auto business has historically done well, even during economic downturns. As of 2018, there are an estimated 230,600 auto repair and maintenance services in the United States. And the auto industry is expected to continue to grow.
There are always opportunities that come up every day including business opportunities. The automotive business opportunity is one of the business choices that entrepreneurs are interested in.

Automotive business

Types of Automotive Business Opportunities

Automotive business opportunities continue to grow with the development of the automotive world. All over the world, the development of the automotive world has increased significantly from year to year.
The automotive business opportunity is wide open and is increasingly in demand. This article will discuss several automotive business opportunities that exist.

Buying and Selling Cars
One of the well-known automotive businesses is buying and selling cars, new and used.
This business does require business capital, but if venture capital is not possible, you can still run this business as a broker, connecting potential customers with manufacturers and distributors of motor vehicles.

Car Spare Parts Sales Business
Sparepart is an important part of the car. If your car is damaged, of course, you are looking for which spare part is damaged.
This spare parts sales business is quite profitable. Because it is not affected by trends, prices and demand tend to be stable, and the value of its assets only changes slightly.

Car Accessories and Modification Business
Like other automotive business opportunities, the car accessories and modification business also promises quite large profits.
Among the accessories and car modification services that consumers are always looking for are fuel-saving tools and accessories to modify their vehicles.

Car Rental Service
Business opportunities for car rental services require quite large business capital, because you have to have several cars to rent to consumers.
This business is very busy and is needed by companies or families who want to travel.

Car Maintenance Business
If you own a car, surely you want your vehicle to look clean or appear shiny.
However, sometimes car owners don't have time to take care of their vehicles. Then the automotive business opportunities for car maintenance are open, such as repair shops or car washes.

Strategy to Run an Automotive Business

Here are some ways you can develop automotive business opportunities:

1. Making a Business Plan
The first step in starting your auto business is having a business plan. Your business plan is the road map for your business success. It will define the following, so whoever reads it will clearly understand the basics of your company.
1. What does your business do?
2. Who are your customers?
3. Who are your competitors?
4. How does your business operate?
5. How are your finances?
Developing a business plan is not an easy step. Many entrepreneurs work with a business consultant to make sure their business plan covers all the groundwork.

2. Unique Business Name
Create your business name with a unique name, so consumers can easily remember your business.

3. Promotions on social media
There are several kinds of social media you can use to promote your automotive business.
Promos on social media don't need to spend a lot of capital, but you need to build relationships with consumers through the social media platforms that you use.

4. Collaborate with Community
Community marketing will be a powerful marketing strategy for the next few years, considering that humans really like to create communities and carry out activities together.
The business opportunities that you work on can take advantage of this momentum to collaborate with the community.
A large number of community members can be a force to spread your product/service info.

5. Unique Ads
You can promote your business by creating ads on several platforms such as Youtube.
Create unique and interesting ads so that people watching will be curious and want to see your content.

6. Hire Influencers
You can work with influencers. This is a way of promotion that you can do to develop your automotive business.
Famous people will help market your automotive business by uploading content on their social media, but you will need a fee if you intend to do an endorse promotion.


Definition of Sustainable Business and its Concept

What is Sustainability in Business? 

      A business is built to bring profit to its owner, employees or consumers. However, in the business world, you are also familiar with a sustainable business.
Sustainable business is a goal that must be pursued. This is because in essence a business does not only bring benefits to the company and the people around it such as the staff or the consumers themselves. However, a sustainable business is certainly expected to be able to bring contributions to the environment and society.

Sustainable Business Concept

Definition of Sustainable Business

Sustainable business has an important role in economic activities. Sustainable business is basically a term from the English language which consists of two words, namely sustainable and business.
It can be interpreted that a sustainable business is a business that has both short and long term benefits, and is sustainable, not just for a moment.

A business is said to be sustainable if the company is able to achieve the goals in its business, can increase value over the long term, and has consistency in maintaining what it has achieved.
In general, a sustainable business must be able to manage its business based on three elements which are called 3P, namely:

Every establishment of a business has the main goal to get profit. Thus, a business that continues to develop is to pursue more profits.
One of the ways to increase profits in a sustainable business is to increase production and efficiency by increasing capital costs. Meanwhile, increasing productivity can be done by improving work management.
Improvement of performance management can be done by simplifying the production process, reducing less efficient activities, and saving processes and time.
Costs can be made more effective with optimal cost reduction and the most efficient use of materials.

Not only looking for profit, a business also has a relationship with the surrounding community.
Keep in mind that a sustainable business is a sustainable business that provides benefits not only for business owners and their employees, but also for society.
A business will be able to develop into a bigger one if it is supported by the community. Therefore, there is a need for reciprocity between business and the community.
The community provides support for the continuity of the business, and the business helps meet the needs of the community.

Society and the environment are inseparable and both are important aspects for business continuity. The environment relates to human activities that take place, including in running a business.
A business definitely needs land as a place to stand and produce, water to drink, air to breathe, etc. To keep the business running well, it is necessary to protect and preserve the environment.
A sustainable business is a business that is able to provide benefits not only to companies and communities but also to the surrounding environment.

Sustainable Business Goals

The term sustainable business is often associated with businesses that are able to preserve nature or the environment around it. Environment is a point that is often associated with sustainable business.
The goal of a sustainable business is still related to many aspects, such as the economy, law, and consumer behavior. The objectives of a sustainable business are as follows:

Increase Profits
Building a business into a sustainable category is one of the steps to advancing the business. With a label, people will trust the business more.
And not just trust, companies can also increase the profits they get. The community will prefer to use products from sustainable business companies that are more environmentally friendly.
In order to protect the environment, companies must also prefer raw materials that are environmentally friendly and reproducible. That way, the company will indirectly benefit in the long run because it can save costs.

Maintain Good Company Reputation
One of the importance of applying the concept of sustainable business is being able to maintain a good reputation of the company in the eyes of the public.
When a company applies this principle, the public will put their trust in the company.
Thus, the company can increase its productivity in order to grow bigger and last longer.

Protecting Nature
As mentioned earlier, sustainable business is closely related to environmental issues.
A business will not be able to run well without a healthy environment and community support.
Therefore, the company must also be able to protect the environment which means keeping the business going. (
The idea of a sustainable business is as a driving force for companies to make various efforts to maintain business continuity.
Some ways that can be done to maintain this continuity are by adopting better systems or using more environmentally friendly technologies.
With the use of more environmentally friendly technologies, the negative impact on the environment can be reduced. Thus, environmental sustainability will be maintained.

Attracting Investors' Interest
One of the benefits of implementing the concept of a sustainable business is that it is easier to attract investors to invest their capital.
This is because the company has gained trust and a good reputation in society as a consumer.
The application of the sustainable business concept also makes the sustainability of the company last longer, so that investors will be more interested in investing because it is more secure.


Tips to Become a Successful Property Marketer

Tips for Successful Property Marketing

     What is property marketing? it is a marketing strategy for selling property or housing.
The development of the real estate business in the world is very rapid. The development of investment in property is also increasing day by day. Therefore, your company needs a freelance property marketing to increase business marketing. Many people are competing to buy property to be used as a future investment.

Property Marketer Woman

This moment has prompted property developers to compete in making products that offer strategic locations and complete facilities.
However, most of these property developers are weak in terms of marketing, even if their property products are good.
If the marketing technique is not reliable, it will be difficult to sell the property.
Moreover, property is not a cheap item, it needs a mature decision to buy it.
The property developer usually cooperates with many marketing properties so that their business can grow.
This phenomenon has become a new opportunity, especially for freelance property marketing.
Your job as a freelance marketing is to work with the developer and determine how much commission you get for each unit sold.

Tips to be a Successful Freelance Property Marketing

Here are some successful tips for becoming a marketing property freelance:

1. Upgrade Your Knowledge About Property Marketing
Before becoming a freelance property marketing, it's a good idea to upgrade your knowledge in the property sector first.
There are many things you should know about property, for example: land status, property document status, deed of sale and purchase, bank credit system, investment value, etc.
You don't need to worry about all the knowledge above, usually the developers provide training to their marketing staff, especially for those who have just joined.
In addition, you can also come to several property events, because there are usually experts in the property sector.

2. Build a Sphere of Influence
Develop contacts and generate leads from the network of people you know, including family members, friends, business associates and social connections.
Reach out and build relationships with family offices and advisory firms that manage the wealth of high-value clients. Wealthy people love investing in real estate and could become potential clients in the future. (
Study everyone in your sphere of influence and keep in touch with them in good faith.
Network with other real estate agents who can help you connect with both buyers and sellers.

3. Create a Professional Website
Property marketers must have a website that is managed professionally to achieve wider marketing.
The appearance of the website will be the main selling point, this is one of the main factors to make potential customers believe.
In addition, you can provide several articles related to the real estate world to attract more visitors to your website.

If you are not proficient at creating websites professionally, you can leave it to a web developer.
After having a website, carry out a digital marketing strategy with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimization so that your website is on page one of search engines.
With search results that are in the top position, many visitors will come to your website, so the conversion rate of the property that you sell will be higher.

4. Make a Cooperation Proposal
If you have a website that already has a sale value, you can offer cooperation with the developer by making a cooperation proposal.
Tell us that your website has great potential for potential property buyers, if necessary, provide complete data on the number of daily visitors and some other supporting data.
Do not give proposals to only one developer, submit proposals to other property developers, so that there will be many choices for prospective property buyers.

5. Master the Negotiation Technique as a Professional Property Marketer
In business, negotiation is commonplace. Negotiation is like a game whose goal is to get the best deal between the two parties, where neither party is harmed in the decision.
To be a good negotiator, you need to have high flying hours.

6. Use Email Marketing
Offering property via email will certainly be more personal, it can also establish good relationships with potential customers, email marketing costs are also cheaper.
You can create a visitor guestbook form on your website to enter visitor data and e-mails.
Give bonuses to visitors who have filled out the guest book such as an interesting and useful e-book so that more people fill it out.
You can also give monthly newsletters to visitors who have filled in their email addresses.

7. Patience and Perseverance
Patience and perseverance are not just easy words to say.
You have to be able to hold back your emotions in difficult times, not to complain and give up easily.
Diligent means not easily give up and always enthusiastic no matter what the circumstances.
Moreover, the business being undertaken is in the property sector, potential buyers who come do not immediately deal with your offer, need an informed decision to buy property.
Thus, your patience and persistence in convincing consumers is one of the tips for success in becoming a freelance property marketer.


Tips for Raising Prices without Losing Customers

How to Increase Prices without Losing Customers

     Many businesses are in a quandary lately. Inflation, pandemics and supply chain disruptions have impacted their costs, making it more expensive to do business.
Inflationary pressures are also affecting customers. Consumers seek deals and spend money for what they need, not necessarily what they want.
Many businesses in this situation think that raising their prices is the solution, but hesitates for fear that it will drive away customers.

Consumers are Shocked by the Increase in Product Prices

In business, companies sometimes have a difficult time when they have to increase the price of a product.
Raising the price of a product is of course not an easy thing, because consumers do not always understand this decision.
To avoid the impact of price increases, such as losing customers and lack of interest, companies must use the right tips and strategies to work around this.
How do you increase the price of a product without losing customers? Here are some methods that you can do!

Outreach to Customers

Consumers are the most important factor in a business, price increases will usually have an immediate impact on consumer decisions in buying a product.
Inform consumers about the price increase plan so that consumers know in advance and understand your decision.
Do not make important decisions without involving consumers.
You can socialize the price change online, such as: social media, e-mail, broadcast, or online shop.
You can make a banner or some kind of ad that contains the price change plan in the future.

Explain Profits Not Excuses

Don't blame it on inflation. Explain to customers, the benefits or value-added that they will get and what you provide with the increase in the price of the product.
Think about the psychological state of the customer. There are no consumers who want to pay a higher price without additional benefits that they can get.
The brand image of a business will affect the psychological confidence of consumers to continue to buy products produced by the company.
With a good brand image, consumers will always be sure that your product is the best in their field, so they don't mind too much about price increases because of the satisfaction and trust they feel.

Give Honest Explanations

It's important to be transparent and not hide the fact that your prices are going up.
Use clear language when communicating price hikes to customers.
Call that action a price increase, not a price adjustment, price change, or other euphemism. While this may seem like a small thing, euphemistic messages can do serious damage, damaging relationships with loyal customers.
Many consumers are aware of the state of the economy as a whole, so when you tell customers you're raising your price, it confirms them, and most accept it.

After an announcement regarding a price increase, customers will usually ask about the details of the price increase.
Providing an honest explanation to the customer will help the customer to understand the reason for the increase in price. (
Give an honest and logical explanation of why the company needs to increase its price. Your explanation must make sense, because they will continue to compare your price with competitors.

If you own a service or B2B business, let your customers know ahead of time that you plan to increase your prices. You can use the upcoming price hike as a customer retention technique.
Make it clear to the customer that you will increase your price, but as a reward for being a loyal customer, you will keep their current price if they renew their contract now.

Give Bonuses or Gifts

Sometimes when customers know of a product increase, they will discourage them from buying.
To get around this problem, you can give special bonuses in the form of lottery coupons or prizes.
This is done so that customers think that even though there is a slight increase in price, the benefits that consumers will get are still more.
You can also work around this by providing certain bonuses with a certain minimum purchase.
This method is done so that you can keep your customers loyal.

Give a Touch Up to the Product

Give a new touch to your product, for example by creating a new, more attractive packaging, updating the quality of the packaging, or beautifying your packaging for shipping goods.
You can also create new views on your online store and business social media accounts.
So, customers feel that the price increase is in accordance with the increase in the quality of your products and services.

One of the consumer behaviors is that they always want to get more than what they have given and don't want to be disadvantaged, so to increase the price of a product, companies must do the calculations well.
One way to calculate the increase in product prices, is usually obtained from calculating the cost of goods sold or COGS arising from production costs.
To make it easier for the company to calculate the HPP, the finance department can use software.

Those are some tips or methods you can use to increase the price of the products you sell without losing customers.


Big Mistakes Leading to Startup Business Failure

Mistakes that Cause Startup Businesses to Fail 

     Nowadays, the startup business is a business opportunity that is being loved by many groups, especially young people.
The startup business does not only promise big profits, this business can also last forever, as long as the business people know how to manage it.

Startup Business

Unfortunately, there are many startup businesses that fail due to inability to properly manage management.
In general, the biggest mistake that often occurs in startup businesses that require investment is looking for investors who are not related to their business field.
Many startup businesses are looking for investors only by considering the big name of the investor.
Look for investors who have the same vision as what the startup business is working on.
Here are some business startup mistakes that you need to know.

Mistakes That Cause Startup Businesses to Fail

If detailed, there are at least a number of errors that are the main cause of why startup businesses fail, including the following:

Don't have a Clear Plan
Thorough planning is absolutely necessary in managing any business, including startup businesses.
Not only does it play a role in operating the business, a clear plan also determines the success of a startup business in the future.
Make sure you have a logical plan and a good business idea before you decide to run a digital business.
In order to achieve success in the startup business, you must have a clear business concept from the start.
Every businessman is allowed to imitate other startup businesses that already exist, but make sure you also have fresh, original ideas and can meet market needs.

Startup Businesses don't Have SMART Goals
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.
This acronym is often used by various groups as a benchmark in achieving business objectives.
In setting goals, you need to consider these SMART aspects.
Your business goals must be clear, have measurable indicators, be realistic for the situation, relevant to your business, and have a time limit.
Businesses that don't consider these five things when setting their business goals have the potential to fail. This is because SMART is an outline in the steps of your day-to-day business activities.

See no Opportunity
As a businessman, you must have a sense of sensitivity to the surrounding conditions, including being sensitive in seeing opportunities that exist. This opportunity can take many forms. Starting from collaboration with other businesses, market and consumer demand, etc.

Lack of Confidence in Products
Sometimes, as a beginner business owner, you will feel less confident about the products you offer. If you feel this way, push the thought away immediately.
An excessive fear of failure is usually a trigger for these thoughts to arise. As a startup founder, you must have a positive mindset so that your subordinates absorb the positive energy as well.
Rest assured that the products you make are good products.
Of course, your team has also worked hard to develop products to be the best.

Don't Understand the Market
Before marketing, do some market research first. With market research, you can find out which markets are suitable for your startup business. (
If you don't understand the market you are going to target, the product you are developing can end up in vain, because it doesn't match the market you are targeting.
To avoid losses, try to find out which market your product fits. This can be done by carrying out market analysis.
So, you can find out how the market reacts to the products offered, as well as your business reach.
By understanding the market you are going to target, the steps you will take in the future can be more effective and focused.

Trying to Market Products for Everyone
If you're trying to target your product to everyone, you're targeting no one.
This is one of the biggest mistakes.
The average consumer receives at least 5,000 sales messages per day, which means that your digital marketing message needs to stand out.
If your startup business is trying to market to an overly diverse audience with varying wants and needs, then you're going to have a hard time crafting a digital marketing message that resonates.
Also, with a large audience, your marketing messages will compete with a much larger pool of competitors.
You can narrow your target audience by a variety of demographics and psychographics.

Those are some information about startup business mistakes that cause failure. Managing a business is indeed not easy. It takes a mature plan and a specific strategy so that the business can be managed properly and can continue to grow.
You need to know about some of the startup business mistakes as explained above, so you can anticipate from the start.


Ways to Increase Sales in Retail Business

How to Increase Retail Sales: 5 Tips

     There are many things that need to be considered by retail business people in maintaining the existence of their company, one of the ways is to increase sales.
To increase sales, there are many things you can do and apply to your retail business.
Here are several ways to increase sales in the retail business that you can consider.

Retail Business Store

Prioritizing Quality of Goods or Services

The first thing that needs to be considered to increase sales is to focus on the quality of goods / services sold.
Good quality of goods or services will make customers satisfied and believe in the goods or services they buy from you.
If you are able to maintain the quality of the goods or services you sell, this will foster brand loyalty in the minds of customers.
Thus, no matter how much the price changes in the future (price within reasonable limits), customers will choose your goods or services because of their quality.

Maintaining the quality of goods or services does not only apply to products, but also ensures that the service provided to customers is always good.
With better service, customers will feel at ease and loyal to your business products.
This can increase sales effectively for your retail business.

Limited Time Sale Promo

There are many sales promotion techniques that can be done, such as: buy one get one free, discounted prices, and cashback.
Choose a promo technique that is suitable for your retail store's goods.
Time-limited promotions will increase the urgency for customers to buy your product before the promo period ends.

Increase the Number of Purchased Items

You can use upselling techniques to get customers to buy additional items beyond what they originally bought.
You need to make sure your customers are buying the best products you have to offer, so you can increase profits for your retail business.
Doing upselling techniques can be done in various ways. First, by offering similar products but at a higher price, but with better quality.
Second, recommending other items that are not similar but support or complement the items that were originally selected. This technique is often called the cross selling technique.

Using Technology as a Retail Business Sales Strategy

Along with advances in technology, retail businesses also need to take advantage of it. One way is by doing digital marketing.
To make it easier for your retail business process to run smoothly, now you can take advantage of technology such as store software or online accounting that provides sales recording services, inventory management systems, and financial reporting.
Also choose a technology that can be used as a tool for your financial automation.

There are lots of accounting software that you can use online easily, even from your smartphone.
Technology can make it easier for you to manage your financial business by providing various features, such as financial reports, inventory, transaction reconciliation, including recording purchase invoices and payments.
By using a goods inventory application, you can save costs, time, and energy because financial business data is processed properly.

Speed up the Buying Process

Before the pandemic, customers were lining up in the middle of the store. It's not uncommon for customers to enter and see the queue, then leave.
Now, while traffic is on the rise again, shoppers are getting used to the convenience of online shopping, which has no waiting times, other than delivery.
Setting up a mobile point of sale system (POS system) is something that all retail stores have to do to handle in-store delays. (

Each of your salespeople can have their own tablet that they can use to quickly process sales and complete deals.
They can do it anywhere in the store, without needing to be at the cashier. It is highly efficient and can enhance the experience for your sales team and your customers.
This also means that your retail business can serve customers efficiently and reduce long lines.

An Irisys study reports that the average American consumer will leave a store without making a purchase after an eight-minute wait. Retailers can't keep customers waiting, because it will impact their sales.
The quicker your team completes a single transaction, the quicker they can service other customers and generate more sales.
Curb pick-up can help too. It combines the best for shoppers in a hurry: they can browse online at their leisure, skip delivery times, and still enjoy the customer service of your retail store.