Avoid these Mistakes when You Start a Business

Ccommon Mistakes to Avoid When You Start a New Business 

     Perhaps you know the quote "Failure is the beginning of success". It is true, there is no successful person in this world who has never experienced failure. However, you can minimize or avoid these failures by carefully calculating failures before starting a business. Here are some mistakes that are often made when people start a business.

Mistakes when You Start a Business

Bad Planning

Good planning for starting a business is absolutely essential. In addition to having to take into account all constraints, planning must also be realistic, accurate, up to date, and take into account targets.
To make the right business plan, you must determine the type of business product, determine the target market, find the advantages of your product, and carry out financial and administrative management plans.

Never Do Market Research

Do not start a business without conducting market research. How do you know there's a market for your business? Doing market research will help you understand better what consumers are looking for and how to reach them. (thebalancemoney.com)
Test your products and services in the market before you start your business.

Incorrect Location

Location determines achievement. When you choose the wrong location, the goal of becoming a businessman can also fail. Location is something that must be considered, because location also determines the development of your business. Therefore, before choosing a location, take into account the following:
1. Easily accessible location. Make sure the consumer is not hampered when heading to the location. The location has a parking area and street lighting, this also needs to be considered.
2. Pay attention to competitors around the site, so that your business opportunities are wide open.
3. Make sure the location is safe.
4. Do research on your potential business location to find out good market opportunities.

Underestimate Competitors

Knowing business competitors needs to be done, so that your business is not left behind from the others. By getting to know your competitors, you can have a better business concept as a business strategy.
This is done not to imitate competitors, but to find out how competitors serve consumers, market their products, price the products offered, to the tricks of promoting their products. So that you can find gaps from your competitors and make your business products different and more attractive, even if the products you offer are similar.

Underestimating Social Media

In today's digital era, social media plays a very important role. You can take advantage of the increasing number of Internet users to promote your business.
Social media can minimize promotional costs, such as print and electronic media advertisements which cost quite a lot.
Manage your business social media properly, don't be careless or just casual. Because social media is a reflection of your business in the virtual world.

Rarely Offer Promotions

If you are just starting a business, you should provide attractive promotions to attract consumers.
This trick is very effective if you want to survive in increasingly tight business competition.
Just give a simple promo and not complicated or long-winded. For example, by uploading consumer photos on social media accounts using your business products, and consumers will get discount vouchers.

Only Rely on Store

Occasionally try to follow the bazaar. Choose a bazaar with a strategic location and attract a lot of visitor interest. The bazaar is not only aimed at selling your business products, but also to gather networks and raise awareness about your business to the public.
From the bazaar, you can learn from other businesses how they offer their products. So you will be more motivated to grow your business.

Terrible Management

Mistakes or bad management are indeed common. Especially for beginner entrepreneurs who are just starting their business. Knowledge of management is essential to help you survive and grow your business. Financial management, purchasing, selling, production, and employee recruitment, is important to do as well as possible.

One of the most frequent mistakes new business owners make is a lack of preparation. Many entrepreneurs want to get their business idea to market, but don't take the time to write a solid business plan, hire the right people, and raise enough capital, so it's highly likely that their business will fail.
By avoiding the mistakes above, you can minimize the risk of failure in starting a business and maximize business success. In addition, to avoid the risk of business failure, you must also do good business management.

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