Mistakes in Running a Food Business

Avoid These Common Mistakes While Running a Food Business 

     The food or culinary business is one of the types of business that many people choose, because it is considered easier to do than other businesses.
However, this assumption is not entirely true. In fact, the culinary business is a relatively complicated business because it requires a lot of innovation and continuous creativity.
Unanticipated mistakes when running a food business make many entrepreneurs bankrupt, because they are unable to face business competition. Here are some mistakes that culinary business owner often make that you should avoid.

Failed Food Business


Success in the early stages of business often makes an entrepreneur not focus on growing his business.
Sometimes they are tempted to build other side businesses.
This is normal. However, if everything is done too hastily and without proper planning, it will distract you and not focus on growing the food business that you are already running.


A successful business will give you a large income. However, this income often makes you become more consumptive.
Money earned from business is often used for entertainment and not saved or used to develop the business. This consumptive nature can inhibit business development.

No Shared Ownership

One way to develop a culinary business is to share business ownership with other people, through investing in shares or franchising.
However, many people are scared to do this. They think that sharing ownership will make profits less or make a loss.
In fact, if this is done with the right system, the division of ownership will make the business bigger and reduce the financial risks that must be borne by the business owner.

Producing without a Permit or License

Health inspectors are like your local sheriff when it comes to food production. You don't want to let them down, because if you are found to have committed an offence, health inspectors can close your food business on the spot.
Make sure you contact the health department to see if you need a license to manufacture food – especially if you are thinking about producing food in your home. Licenses can cost from $50 – $500 and more in some cases. Make sure you budget the costs too.

Stop Innovating

In the culinary business, innovation and creativity is one of the mandatory requirements.
When the food business products that are sold have received good consumer response and are generating large profits, business owners sometimes neglect to innovate.
If you want to develop your business, don't stop innovating. Remember that there will always be competition, and if you don't want to lose in business competition, you should stay creative to create new, unique business products.

Market Research

Favorite food is often an inspiration for someone to turn it into a business. However, keep in mind that not all foods that you like will be liked by others. (touchbistro.com)
Lots of people have different tastes in food. Do a market survey before deciding on the food product to sell. Mistakes in choosing food products to sell will result in products not selling well.

Don't Know the Ccost of Your Product

These are the most important factors. You should know how much it costs to manufacture your food product. That means materials, packaging and labour.
Your product costs drive your company's profitability. If you do not charge enough for your food products, you will not be able to cover your operating costs.

Price Competition

In running a culinary business, competition is impossible to avoid. This price competition is not only seen in the same product competition, but also price competition.
Price competition is something to be anticipated. Because often your competitors will sell the same goods at lower prices to attract customers.
To overcome this, try to sell products that are cheap but still have good taste and quality by pressing a little profit.

You Put it all on a Debit Card

The cash-intensive food industry. That means a lot of cash out. At the same time, you are waiting 30 – 60 days for your cash to come in. It can let you down when you are trying to grow. The credit card value is that you get 30 "extra" days to pay the bill. It's great when invoices from your suppliers are in the thousands. Before you run and finance your food business with three credit cards, make sure you have enough money in the bank to pay it off.

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