Showing posts with label Business Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Education. Show all posts


Tips to Deal with Internal Conflict in The Workplace

How Good Leaders Handle Internal Conflict in the Workplace

     In a small or large scale company, various problems must have occurred, starting from internal or external problems.
In terms of internal problems, the problems that occur are not just business problems, but also employee performance issues, leadership style, to management issues. This is known as internal conflict.

Internal Conflict in the Workplace

What is Internal Conflict?

Conflict means disputes, both between individuals, individuals with institutions, and institutions with institutions.
Conflict is a social process between two individuals or social groups in which each party tries to get rid of the other party in order to achieve its goals by means of providing resistance accompanied by threats and violence.
Conflict itself is divided into two, namely external and internal conflict.

Company Internal Conflict Issues

No business runs without problems. Conflict in the workplace is one of the most common problems in business, whether it's conflict between divisions, individuals in one division, or superiors and subordinates.
If this occurs within the company, this conflict must be resolved immediately so as not to disrupt performance and work in progress. Internal conflicts not only disturb the conflicting parties, but can also hamper the performance of all employees and the company.
For example, there is a conflict between the sales and marketing divisions. If this is allowed to drag on, it will not only impact the two divisions, but can also cause problems for other divisions, such as the finance division. This will greatly disrupt teamwork and make productivity decrease.

Classification of Internal Conflict Problems

Internal conflict is divided into 3 types based on the subject or actor, namely: personal, intragroup and intergroup conflict.
1. Personal Conflict
This conflict occurs between individuals, and usually occurs because of an incompatibility with each other's personalities and/or simply not liking each other.
In addition, this conflict can also occur due to rivalry in the world of work, performance inequality, miscommunication, and bad leadership.

2. Intragroup Conflict
In simple terms, this conflict occurs between a person and a group or other work division.
This usually happens because of seniority, position, and limited access to express opinions.
Usually, the group with this problem is a group that has a poor performance and shifts responsibility.
Usually, their time would run out to tear each other down, when they should have used it to solve problems together.

3. Intergroup Conflict
This conflict occurs between divisions that exist within a company.
These conflicts usually occur because of rivalry and miscommunication.
For example, the conflict between the sales division and the finance division, the sales team considers that operational costs are considered insufficient to achieve the specified target. Meanwhile, the finance division cannot change the operational budget, because it is in accordance with the company's budget.

Factors Affecting Internal Conflicts

There are many things that cause conflict in the company. The following are factors that affect conflict within the company.

1. Passive-Agressive Behavior
This behavior is a sabotage behavior that is carried out by someone against other people or other groups.
This behavior often occurs in managers with their subordinates, and often occurs due to mistakes at work.
A bad manager will always make his subordinates a scapegoat to cover up his mistakes or shortcomings.
Meanwhile, when the team is rewarded, only the manager gets recognition and reward for the team's efforts.

2. Bullying and Harassment
Bullying and harassment don't just happen at school, the problem of internal company conflicts is still often encountered in companies or workplaces.
If this happens, the victim will feel uncomfortable and have difficulty focusing on his work, because he/she will focus on protecting himself/herself.
Not only does it affect the company, this problem can also have a negative impact on the victim personally, such as withdrawing from group activities and decreasing self-confidence.
As the leader of the company, you can impose penalties for the perpetrators of bullying.

3. Unclear Job Description
Many companies do not provide clarity of duties and roles to their employees. This can create miscommunication between employees and companies, superiors, and management.
The lack of clarity on the roles and duties of an employee can lead to overlapping jobs, and employees will choose jobs that are easy to complete.
Due to the lack of clarity in job descriptions, "seniority" will often occur, senior employees will choose easy jobs, and difficult jobs are given to junior or new employees..

Tips for Overcoming Internal Conflict in the Workplace

As an HR, CEO, or the leader of the company, you are the party responsible for internal conflict.
There are several ways to deal with internal conflicts in the workplace that you can do, before it impacts personnel productivity and performance.

This is the first step you can take to prevent the problem from spreading and getting bigger.
Try to ask the manager or boss of the employee who has the problem to ask about the origin of the problem, and any complaints they are experiencing.
However, this intervention cannot be carried out with superiors who turn out to be the source of these problems.

As an HRD, you must often hear the problems and complaints of an employee, right?
To resolve internal conflicts, you must start opening counseling sessions to individuals or groups that have problems.
Counseling is done to listen and understand the problems that occur.
By conducting a counseling session, you can identify the source of the problem and find the best solution in the fairest way. So that troubled parties can compromise and return to focus on their duties and job responsibilities.

Controllable Confrontation
Confrontations can take place at the division level, where the conflict occurs.
Individuals who have problems can immediately submit their complaints and problems under direct supervision by other co-workers or managers.
However, if conflicts occur between managers and personnel, then supervision can be carried out by people who have positions higher than the manager.

Overall Change
Overall changes need to be made if negative impacts occur because the conflict is considered to be very disturbing and endangers the existence of the company.
This could actually have been avoided if the company paid attention and found a way out sooner.
Keep in mind, that your task as HRD is not only to do company administration and employees.
As a good HRD, you also have to take responsibility for internal conflicts at workplace.


Brand Identity: Build a Unique and Memorable Brand

How to Create a Unique and Memorable Brand Identity

      Some people think that brand identity is related to company logos. Is that right?
A brand is an important thing in a business. Because by using a brand identity, you can form people's perception of your business.

Brand Identity

A brand is not only for large-scale companies, but medium and small businesses also need to build a brand. Not even just a brand, but every company must be able to create a brand identity.

What is Brand Identity?

Brand identity are the visible elements of a brand, such as colors, logos, and designs, which identify and differentiate the brand in the minds of consumers. The brand identity is different from the brand image.
Brand identity is certainly related to the brand, and people often know this term only to discuss the brand as the name of a product. (

Even though brand identity is a broader element. Brand identity is all the parts that make up people's perceptions of a brand.
There are various elements in brand identity that are used to convey the character, commitment, and value of the product to be better known by consumers.
It includes what the brand wants to say, the values it carries, how to communicate it, and what you want people to feel when they interact with your product.

Brand identity relates to how the character of your business is known, understood, and always remembered by consumers.
With so many aspects that are touched upon, it's no wonder that business owners will try very hard to allocate large amounts of funds to build a brand identity.

The Benefits of Having Brand Identity

Brand identity is essential for a business. In order to get a strong brand identity, you also need to build it.
Considering that brand identity is related to character, building a brand requires time and effort.
By having a brand identity, your business will get many benefits. The following are some of the benefits of having a brand identity:

One of the benefits you will get if you have a strong brand identity is related to distribution problems.
If you have a strong brand in the market, distributors will have more confidence to distribute their products or services. Consumers and the public who believe in your brand will have a positive impact on distributors.
Therefore, the distribution of your business products or services becomes much easier.

Getting Professional Referrals
In addition to distributors and loyalty, you will also benefit from professional referrals. You can easily get recommendations from professionals.
This is because they consider your brand to have high credibility, so professionals will provide recommendations when someone is looking for products or services from your business.
In fact, not only professionals, your customers will also be happy to give reviews of the products or services used. Therefore, build a brand identity properly.

Customer Loyalty
This consumer loyalty is also related to the role of strategic brand identity.
By maintaining the quality of the products or services that are offered, you have a great opportunity to gain customer loyalty. That way indirectly, you will also increase revenue. Because consumers will always buy or consume products or services from your business when they need it.

Key Elements of Brand Identity

What are the important elements that influence in building a brand identity?

The logo is a necessary part of the brand identity. Even though a logo is not the whole identity of a brand, it is an important element in the branding process.
Logo is the most recognizable part of a brand. Logos exist in almost everything related to business and products, from products, social media, websites, other promotional media, etc.

Attractive Shape
An attractive shape has the same important function as a logo. An attractive shape becomes the initial decision determinant why a consumer chooses to buy your product.
Attractive forms include many things such as packaging, presentation methods, store interiors, website designs, employee appearances and services to consumers.

Studies on the "impact of color on marketing" state that 90% of people will make a quick decision to buy a product because of color.
Products with colors that stand out more than others will be recognized and remembered by consumers.
Color also influences how consumers perceive the “personality” of the brand.

Use language that matches your brand identity. If the identity that is being built is a luxury brand, then use professional language.
However, if the identity formed is more casual, then try to speak in a language that is more familiar.
Note that the language you choose must apply to all elements of the business.

Consistency is an element that can make or break a brand identity. Why does it happen?
This is because consistency is needed in all the elements that form an identity. You have to be consistent when setting brand goals, logos, use of colors, language, quality etc.

Consistency is indeed necessary, but of course it must be accompanied by flexibility in certain respects. You have to remain flexible in looking for new things in the community that can be included in the product for quality improvement.
Flexibility allows for adjustments in promotions, slogans, and even modernizing and modifying identities to engage consumers.
However, one thing to note is that the adjustments made must be consistent across all of your brand elements.

Something is more familiar and feels closer when it is connected emotionally. A strong brand identity can build an emotional relationship between products and consumers. This is a solid foundation for building a lasting relationship between your consumer and your brand.

What's the point of you creating a really good design with the color selection that stands out if you don't promote it to people.
Promotion is a way to introduce your brand to the target market. It's a way for your brand identity to be recognized.

Ways to Build a Good Brand Identity

Here are some ways you can build a brand identity:

1. Make A Unique Impression
To be easily remembered by people, make a unique impression or that is different from other brands.
You can make it through iconic images, memorable and interesting slogans, funny, memorable, etc.
Remember that first impressions are important, so you don't want to disappoint customers on their first visit.

2. Consistency
Once you've made your brand, design style, promotion method, etc., don't change it. This is because consistency is really needed to make it easier for your consumers to remember your brand.
If you are inconsistent or frequently change your business style and characteristics, it will be difficult for consumers to remember it, maybe even they will feel confused.

3. Be Different
Provide something different from your competitors. To create something different you can do research on the market in advance.
You can also look at competitors, find out what competitors lack, then apply solutions or offers that are more specific to your brand.

4. Interaction
A business is built in a territory where they have their own values and culture.
In building a brand, you also have to pay attention to the values and culture that exist. One of the ways is to adapt the way of communication to the characteristics of your business and consumers.
For example, an American company whose parent company uses English, but when it opens a branch in another country, it uses the local language in which the company is in its communications. So consumers understand the message you want to convey.


The Role of Emotional Quotient in Entrepreneurial Success

Why is the Emotional Quotient Important for Entrepreneurs?

    Have you been relying only on your skills and knowledge in running your business? If yes, then you have to change it now.
In fact, the success of people is influenced by 80% EQ (Emotional Quotient) and 20% IQ (Intelligence Quotient). This proves that EQ plays a significant role in determining your future.

Emotional Quotient

What is Emotional Intelligence?

In simple terms, psychologists describe it as your ability to recognize, control, and evaluate the different emotions in yourself and in others.
Some say it is an innate characteristic that you are born with, while others believe it is something you can learn and develop over time. (
Jadi, EQ or emotional quotient is a person's ability to manage their emotions, especially when dealing with others.
A person's EQ is strongly influenced by personal qualities such as perseverance, self-control, and the ability to communicate with others.

Smart but can't Control Emotions

There are two people applying for a job at your company. After going through several test stages, they had 2 different results. The first person is smart, interesting and lively. Unfortunately, he is arrogant and easily offended.
The second person is also shown to be smart, although not as smart as the first. But the second man can control his emotions and looks humble. Which one do you accept to work? Of course the second person, right?

Currently, EQ is very important in the business world, both in superior-subordinate relations and among business partners. They no longer give priority to one's intellectual intelligence. For them, one's IQ ability is easier to improve than EQ, which is a person's inner character.
People with high EQ are considered able to work better because they can control themselves, so they can adapt to all situations and the environment around them.

Five Categories of Emotional Intelligence

In the book Emotional Intelligence: "Why It Can Matter More Than IQ and Working with Emotional Intelligence", Daniel Goleman categorizes five pillars that can be a measuring tool to determine a person's EQ condition.
You can use these five things as a tool for evaluating your or your employees' emotional quotient.

1. Motivation
People with high emotional quotient can motivate themselves. They are not easily driven by money or degrees. It is personal ambition that keeps them optimistic. Self-motivation makes them always energetic and persistent with their efforts until they are achieved.
A person with a high EQ is a good leader because he or she will push his or her team in a positive and optimistic way.

2. Self-Regulation
Self regulation is a person's ability to control his feelings or mood.
A high EQ will make a person able to wisely express and control his emotions. You won't find a person with high self-regulation fighting in public. They are the ones who think before they act.
The characteristics of people with good self-regulation are being able to adapt well to their environment, remain calm and productive in all situations, and be reliable.

3. Self-Awareness
A person with high self-awareness knows himself well. He will know his own strengths and weaknesses, and know how his behavior affects other people.
Usually self-aware people can deal with and learn from constructive criticism.

4. Empathy
Empathy is the trait of someone who can put himself in someone else's position.
A person with high empathy will have compassion and understanding towards other people. This ability to empathize makes them provide great service and a sincere response to others.

5. Social skills
Social skill is the ability of a person when dealing with other people. A person with a high EQ can build good and long lasting relationships with others. They can direct others to the desired goals and have high trust in their team members.
People who have people skills or social skills and have the four categories above are good leaders.

The Role of Emotional Quotient for Entrepreneurs

Basically, emotional quotient is the ability to understand the factors as well as the people around you.
As a business owner, you will be faced with challenges and problems. Having a high EQ will enable you to keep fighting and trying when you experience failure.
You will know that both success and failure will be with you during your business journey. Your ability to manage your emotions will determine the time you need to improve yourself.

In addition to enabling you to struggle in business, EQ also predicts your performance. Based on a study of 34 abilities/skills conducted by TalentSmart, EQ predictor abilities are 58% stronger than the other 33 skills. Your EQ is the foundation of many other critical abilities that influence what you say and do every day.

Those with a high emotional quotient level will make more money. Based on research in the world of work, 90% of great business travelers have high EQ. On average, they will make $29,000 more than people with low EQ.

So, Train Your Emotional Quotient from Now on!

Once you know the importance of the emotional quotient for a business owner, it's important for you to train your EQ.
If it's difficult for you to control your emotions at this time, try writing a diary. A study states that writing your thoughts and feelings in a diary is the most effective practice which is very helpful to get all your emotions out. You only need a few hours to do it.

Try to get to know yourself. Connect your thoughts and feelings. If you feel something out of the ordinary, it will contradict your feelings. You can help yourself by asking Why could I be thinking this?
Listening to your feelings is like hearing a witness in court. Only by acknowledging all available evidence, you can understand and achieve the best results. If you're not a person who is great at controlling your emotions, try asking someone else.
Keep in mind that a successful entrepreneur is one who is able to manage his emotions well. Are you ready for success in your business?


Marketing Psychology to Grow Your Business

Simple Marketing Psychology Tactics that Work

      Marketing psychology is an understanding of the motives that can affect the emotions and actions of the market in viewing a product and service offered by business owners.
How to apply marketing psychology strategies to develop a business?

Marketing Psychology for Your Business

Have you ever wondered why so many burger fast food companies use red in their logo?
Psychologically, red makes people feel more hungry, and bright colors are for attracting attention.
These companies use marketing psychology strategies to get customers to come to their place and buy their products.

If you don't understand marketing psychology, then your marketing strategy isn't perfect yet.
Perhaps you don't know how to influence the public through sentences that can trigger their emotions. This can cause your business's sales conversion rates to decrease or even worsen.
On the other hand, if you succeed in using marketing psychology correctly, your marketing will be easier, and of course your sales conversions will be smoother.

What is Marketing Psychology?

Marketing psychology is the practice of aligning your content, communications, and strategies with predictable, and often unconscious, patterns of consumer behavior that have been identified through experimentation and research. (
This common behavior stems from heuristics—the term for shortcuts the brain takes for tasks it performs thousands of times a day, such as understanding information, making decisions, and solving problems.

Concepts / Principles of Marketing Psychology

The following are principles of consumer behavior in marketing psychology that relate to efforts to develop a business:

In psychology, priming is a situation in which a certain stimulus or event can add to certain previously remembered information.
Many business people use subtle priming marketing techniques.
You can help website visitors or consumers to remember important information about your brand, and can even influence consumer purchasing behavior.

If someone does something for you, then you will naturally want to do something for them.
In business there are many ways that can be used to take advantage of this reciprocity. Starting from vouchers, t-shirt souvenirs, exclusive ebooks, etc.

Social Proof
Social Proof is a theory that people will adopt the beliefs or actions of a group of people that they trust and like. One easy way to make the most of social proof is via a website or blog.

Decoy Effect
The Decoy Effect is a marketing strategy by providing several choices of almost the same product, at different prices, so that people have many choices before deciding to buy the item.
The marketing technique decoy effect is a strong and effective psychological technique.

The Principle of Scarcity
This principle is a formula: the rarer the opportunity, content, or product that is more valuable, the more easily people will be attracted to owning it. But it's important to remember that if you want to apply this principle, you're using the concept of scarcity as if an item is extremely rare, but in fact the product is very popular, so people are very receptive.

Tips for Applying Marketing Psychology to Grow Your Business

If your business wants to make a good impression on customers, here are some psychology-based marketing tips that you can consider:

Touching the Customer's Emotions
Have you ever bought something just because it lifted your mood and put you in good spirits?
This is often experienced by many people in this world, maybe you included.
According to some neuroscience experts, emotion is a necessary and most influential element on purchasing decisions.
Logical considerations such as how specifications, functions, and other technical matters are sometimes overshadowed by emotional.
So, instead of telling your customers how great your product is by pointing out its features and specifications, tell consumers how it will make them feel happy, comfortable, and satisfied when they use it.
If you can arouse consumers' emotional feelings, they will be more likely to form a personal connection with your brand. And this will certainly lead to increased sales of your business. Consumers are also more satisfied with your product. So, not only do you have good specifications, your product also succeeds in pleasing your customers.

Demonstrate Social Proof
Have you ever passed a new restaurant in your neighborhood, seen the line of people at the door, and thought, “Wow, that restaurant must be really good! I have to go there!“. That is an example of a manifestation of social proof.
When the public sees that a store, product, or business service is liked by others, that business's product or service will get a greater value.
The power of social proof is further demonstrated by the fact that consumers tend to read reviews of a product before they buy the product.
By showing social proof on your social media accounts or website – whether in the form of customer reviews, testimonials, ratings, and others – potential customers will join the queue in the queue of business visitors to buy your business products or services.
Even if it's just curiosity at first, social proof can increase customer curiosity.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) has become a catchphrase in today's consumption culture.
An example of this term usually refers to people who can't stop looking at the latest smartphone info because they're afraid they'll miss out on it.
Your business can also apply a FOMO strategy to entice consumers to buy your products.
One practice of FOMO is that you can use the phrase “don't miss it!” in the product ads, or offer "limited edition" item.
By letting consumers know that you have a limited number of products or creating an urgency to sell a product in just one day, you can convince consumers that the right time to buy your product is: now!
So, create a flash sale campaign, or offer a limited time discount.
If your target market is right, people will immediately take action by buying the item because they don't want to be left out.

Use the Reciprocal Psychology Marketing Technique
Reciprocal psychology techniques work like this: When someone gives you something, consciously or unconsciously you feel compelled to give something back to them.
Have you ever been offered a free product sample when you went to a department store and felt obligated to purchase the product after receiving the free sample?
It's an example of applying a reciprocal psychology marketing strategy, and you can use it to increase your sales – even if you're opening an online business, by giving away.
After consumers receive and feel comfortable with the trial product that you provide, they will tend to buy your product immediately.
People love getting free gifts and they will return the favor by becoming regular or loyal customers of your business.


Niche Market: Solutions to Competing with Big Businesses

Niche Market, Way Small Business Can Compete with Big Brands

     The process of building a business always faces challenges, particularly on a small scale. Maybe when you start a business it tends to be difficult to get buyers and profits, because of the crowds of sellers in the marketplace which trigger big businesses to create their own markets.

Niche Market Advantages

Of course, consumers will easily switch to big brands with various products. However, the existence of an online store for these big brands does not necessarily eliminate small business hopes. There are still many business opportunities that are able to attract consumers and bring profit. One of them is by trying a niche market.

A niche market is a market that offers specific needs. The niche market market segment is indeed small, the number of enthusiasts is more limited, and it has specific specifications. For example, in the clothing business, some choose to sell specific clothing for certain segments, and even just for women.
The aim of the niche market is to capture a small portion of potential customers in the market.

What is a Market Niche?

A market niche is a focused group of people or businesses who want to buy a specific product. Think of niche marketing as the act of specializing in what you offer. (
When your company offers specific products and services instead of a variety of offerings, you benefit and become more productive. You'll also establish a comparative advantage over generalist competitors.

Why Niche Markets?

Niche markets only cover a small portion of the market, but are often chosen as an effort to compete in getting consumers.
It is impossible for a business to make a product that caters to everyone.
With a niche market, business owners can solve the problems of people with special needs in a more professional manner. There are four reasons Niche Markets are effective for your business.

High Income Opportunity
Not all consumer needs can be fulfilled by big business. Because in general, big businesses offer general products. Even though there are special needs from consumers which can become business opportunities.
If this niche is exploited, it will provide high income opportunities. Because there are still few competitors in the same niche.
Niche market offers specific needs from consumers in a more professional manner. Many consumers prefer products with a few functions but optimal when used.
Consumers with certain needs, if products are provided that are targeted to their interests, usually do not care too much about price. In addition, goods in niche markets are more exclusive, so prices can be higher. With this, the opportunity to get high profits will be wide open.

Enjoying the Work
Niche markets are usually chosen because you as a business owner want to do what you really like and have a passion for the product. It is this motivation that makes people in this type of niche market enjoy the job they are doing more.

Easily in Marketing Products
Because you offer products that focus on specific needs, you have your own target market.

Better known
Specific and professional, of course, consumers will immediately remember your product when they need certain goods.

How to Build a Niche Market Business

Do Research
Research is carried out to determine whether something you want to produce has a potential market.
People with specific needs usually join one community both offline and online. Join the community and make observations of what they do and what they need.
However, not everyone who has an interest in something will join a community.
To reach this type of potential customer, you can make sample items and distribute them to several people to get an assessment. Or research keywords on search sites and social media to find out the interest level of a product.

Make Something Unique
In addition to offering products with specific needs, products must also be unique. If the product offered is like a common product on the market, your product will not win the favor of niche market consumers. Moreover, because the intended consumers are people who know anything that suits their interests.

Do What You Are Interested In
You can start by producing the things you are interested in. If you go into business based on what you are passionate about, naturally managing the business will be easier and more enjoyable. You will be more enthusiastic in finding solutions to any production or marketing problems for these products.

Those are a few things about niche markets. From the explanation above, it can be seen that niche markets can be an alternative for your business to compete with larger businesses.


Reasons Why Your Business Isn''t Growing

What is The Big Obstacle for Growth in Business?

     Sometimes the business you are running is jammed and there is no growth. Hours of work, effort expended, and time spent are unable to meet your expectations for your business. You feel frustrated and at a loss for what to do.

Business Growing

Completion never occurs due to luck. It takes a lot of work to find a solution. Start by looking for the reason the business is not growing. so you can find the root of the problem.
After the first steps have been taken, it will be possible to make changes in some of the key habits and teams that drive business growth.
The root causes of a business not growing is a topic many businesses seek, and is discussed in the marketing community.

Most Common Reasons a Business Isn''t Growing

You Have No Specific Goal
If you want your business to grow, you need to predict growth scenarios, and then realize one of them.
If you keep working without thinking about the future and where your business will be, you will still be where you are today.
Make a plan for where you want your business to go and how you can reach those goals.
Have specific deadlines for the goals you want to accomplish each month to keep you and your team on track. (

Your Business is Unsystematic.
Systems save time and allow you to monitor various aspects of your business. To facilitate growth, a thriving business requires a system that:
- Track prospects and closing rates.
- Develop the advertising and marketing budget.
- Compare production goals, production and sales, performance with data from previous years.
- Track production and income weekly, monthly and quarterly.
- Track cancellation and customer retention rates.
- Monitor the level of customer satisfaction.

Stay in the Comfort Zone
Business owners must be willing to keep learning. In general, business owners have big plans at the beginning.
However, over time, once the plan is put into action, they will stop at a certain level and stay.
Instead of trying to grow the business and executing the remaining plans, the business owner will usually lower expectations and remain in a position of stagnation.
The impact is a decrease in performance which makes the business not grow.
Get out of your comfort zone, set bigger goals, and then commit to taking the necessary actions.

You don't Know the Current Market Situation.
Today's consumers are multi-generational and need a thorough understanding of their buying habits. Past sales techniques may not be effective on Generation X and Millennials.
If you are still using a one-size-fits-all approach to selling, you will lose a large part of your market.
Do you know which customers prefer phone calls, which prefer e-mail, and which prefer SMS?

Pricing too Low
Consumers may search as far as possible to find which seller will provide the lowest price. You may be able to give a low price but preferably not too low.
It takes a tremendous amount of planning and strategy to be able to sell products for the lowest price, and still make a profit.
Some brands may succeed in this strategy. However, the benefits obtained are of course very small.
You can only provide low prices, but also consider the costs that have been incurred. Additionally, the most common problem with business owners is not putting a price on their hard work. Give your business a suitable wage, so that it can survive and thrive.

Forgetting Marketing Strategies
The right marketing strategy will provide the best chance to attract consumers. However, there are many business owners who set up their business without considering this. Because to produce the right marketing strategy, careful thought and consideration are needed.
This takes time, so don't be in a hurry, clear your mind and think about the strategy you should do to deliver a touchable message and good promotional activities to attract consumers.
Without a marketing strategy, various activities that are carried out only produce few leads and make it even more frustrating.

Doesn't Measure Your Business Growth
You can't know how well your business is doing if you don't measure progress every day.
Every line in the business should be reviewed and updated regularly to see if your business is achieving its goals, or if there are things that need to be made adjustments.
If you only guess without clear data based on it, then the development of a business is just wishful thinking. You'll just think that your business is successful, but it's not.


Best Strategies for Business Expansion

Effective Strategies to Expand Your Business

    If your company is already doing well, the next step is to expand the business.
Business expansion is an activity to expand the business by creating new markets, expanding facilities, adding human resources, etc.

Business Expansion

Expansion can also be done by increasing economic activity in your business, which in turn will manifest in increasing business strength, increasing profits, accessing technology, and getting new customers.
With these various advantages, of course, business expansion is the goal that is expected by almost every business person, be it a large or small company.
However, getting to that point is not easy. A lot of effort and struggle must be made so that the business expansion process does not stop halfway.

Steps in Doing Business Expansion

In an effort to expand your business, at least you need the right way to apply it. Here are some strategies that you can apply in expanding your business.

Make a Well-Defined Plan
Before deciding to expand your business, plan as carefully as possible.
This will help you not to lose control of your previous business. In addition, a mature plan can also make it easier for you to direct where the new business will go.

There are many things to consider in making this plan, the main thing is that you have to know the current condition of your business.
Usually, a business that is ready to expand is one that has smooth sales, significant consumers, and has a fairly broad market.

Strengthen the main business first so that it can become the basis for the next plan.
After understanding things related to internal business, then you can learn new things that are useful for optimizing your business.

Create a plan regarding the next business model, capital used, and steps to be taken for its development.
Some important things to plan for are:
The business is ready for expansion because sales are smooth and there are already significant numbers of regular customers.
Within the next five years or so, businesses must have products with their own brand and can be produced by themselves.
The target market is very broad and the demand is very large, so it is necessary to look for new markets to increase sales.
New employees are needed so that all forms of operational activities can run continuously, and the sales process becomes faster and more effective.

Examples of planning in business expansion:
1. Increase product inventory to be able to serve the increasing market demand.
2. Create product variations so that customers have many choices of products to buy.
3. Add new warehouses to accommodate more products.
4. Open a physical/offline or online store with the aim of expanding the market.
5. Increase the number of employees to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of product sales as well as support various other operational activities.
6. Expanding sales target area.

Determine the Business Model
When expanding, the new business model is different from the previous business model.
In a long phase, new standard operating procedures (SOP) will be needed.
If you have a new employee, then business activities will also change slowly. The selling method will also change.
The importance of determining a business model will assist you in determining the right standards or methods to use in business operations.
If you determine a new target market and already have a new, more varied product type, then you must also determine the method used to cover the target market, get engagement, and make sales to that market.

Prepare Your Capital
During the expansion process, capital will definitely be needed, for example to pay employees, rent or build a new warehouse, build a physical store, buy an online store, or build your own production plant.
You can just use the profit from the sale as capital.

Adding New Products or Services
Your business certainly already has reliable products and services that have a lot of consumers. But there's nothing wrong with adding new products and services that are different from before.
This can be done by giving your business a new face by switching to a line that has never been tried before.
This is one way to expand business. Of course you can do this without leaving the business that was there before. To make this happen is not simple. Market analysis and research is needed to find out the products and services that consumers want.

Promotion Actively
It is possible that with this business expansion, the products issued can be as good or maybe better than the previous products.
However, no one will know about this if you don't promote it.
Promotion can increase consumer trust in your product or even your company as a whole.
It doesn't matter if you've started promoting before your new business is actually physically formed.

Searching for New Target Markets
One of the business expansion criteria is the creation of new markets.
If your business creates products and services that are different from the previous business, of course, you need target consumers who match the product.
However, the search for a new target market does not mean you cannot find a target market in the previous product.
If you believe in expanding your business, you can still bring old products to be marketed in different market segments.
This expansion strategy is intended to find other possible target customers that are right for your products and services.

Opening a Branch
If you have seen progress in your main business, consider opening a new branch to expand your reach to consumers.
You can open a new branch in the same area or in a different one.
Branches located in the same area are usually used to assist your business in serving customers who may not be served by the main branch.
If the goal is to get more profits, you can open branches in other areas, where competition for these products is not too tight, and to reach new customers in different areas.

Consider a franchise business model.
If you have a successful business, and you want it to grow rapidly, consider franchising. (
Although franchise costs are high and moving to a franchise model is complex and requires a lot of marketing know-how, it can make all the difference if you are looking for fast growth.


Traits You Must Possess for Business Success

Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs in Business

     Of course, you want to be successful in the business world. Many people have the same desire with you. Success is everyone's right, it's just how that person tries to achieve success.
The thing that distinguishes every successful person from an unsuccessful one is the effort that has been made.
There are several characteristics that can help a person to achieve success in the business world.
The following are some of the characteristics that can make you successful in the business world, and of course you can apply them to yourself.

Successful Entrepreneur

Characteristics of a Successful Business Owner

Confidence and Not Much Reason
The first key to success in doing business is to always be confident in taking action and have no reason to say no.
If you are sure about the decision you make, then you don't need to hesitate in trying to achieve success.
On the road to success, many obstacles and problems that you have to face.
Never avoid or even make excuses, because this is a test you have to face.
The more obstacles and problems you can go through, the closer you will be to success.
Find smart, effective and efficient ways to solve every problem you encounter.
Follow the Process and Don't Miss the Chance. There is a saying that the result does not betray the process. Success does not come easily and instantly, but through a long process.

Courage And Village
Courage, passion, hard work and community are what it takes to get your business started and running. Courage will get you started and climb the steep learning curve you'll encounter, and passion will attract others in your community to join the mission.
Every successful entrepreneur has put tremendous amount of hard work into starting a business and finding a mentor who can help. (

High Persistence
Success does not belong to weak people, it belongs to people who have high persistence.
If you fail once and then give up, you will never succeed.
Thomas Alfa Edison used to make an experiment to find the incandescent light bulb 999 times and failed, when the 1000th time he succeeded in doing his invention.

Focus and Learn from Mistakes
There is no great expert in this world who masters many different fields of science. There is also no person who has never made mistakes.
A successful person is a person who can focus on their respective fields and make mistakes into learning material.
The more you focus on one thing, the closer you will get to what you want.
The more mistakes you have made, the greater knowledge you will get. The one thing that won't make you successful is repeating the same mistakes.

Diligent and not Easily Despair
Perseverance is identical with being patient, persistent, and never giving up. Some of the great figures in this world are people who are diligent in what they do, even when they fail many times, they still try until they succeed.
By having a diligent nature, all obstacles and laziness that exist will be defeated, so that you are closer to success.
Try to keep moving forward to get rid of the feeling of despair and other bad traits that can destroy your efforts.

Skilled in Communication
Communication will be closely connected with marketing. By having skillful communication, you can market your products easily.
You can convey information about your product in an interesting way, so people will be interested in buying and trying the products you offer.
The smarter you are in carrying out your communication strategy, the more people will know about your product and buy the product that you market.

Creative and Inovative
Whatever type of business you are in, the most important aspect so that your business can survive and develop is creativity in making innovations.
Creativity is not only in the products you sell, but also in promotions that can attract more consumers.
To be able to think creatively, do it by looking at things from a different point of view, open your mind and learn new things, and exercise your imagination.
With creative innovation, consumers will not get bored with your business products, and your products can still dominate the market.


6 Important Elements in Marketing, What Are They?

The Essential Elements that a Good Marketing Plan should Have

      Companies or businesses tend to put more effort into marketing their products through various marketing elements. From designing fancy logos, setting up marketing automation programs via email, to launching an attractive website. But without a strong product, the effort to build your business brand will be in vain.
Some businesses launch new products and fail. Why? This failure could be caused by the following factors:
- Lack of understanding about market conditions.
- Ineffective communication
- Lack of understanding about customers.
- Product marketing strategies that are not effective.

Marketing Strategy

It's important to focus on fixing the failure, because there are so many parties involved and so much time and money you invest in new products for your business.
Of course, you don't want to spend all of your time and energy focusing on building a business brand that ends up going to waste.
A successful product requires a good and right product marketing strategy. That means you need to make sure your business products meet customer needs and satisfaction, and get them on the market properly.

Essential Elements of a Product Marketing Strategy

Following are some of the important elements for building and developing a Product Marketing Strategy:

The first step to developing a Product Marketing Strategy is ensuring you have a strong product.
Even before strategizing, you need to make sure the product is built with your target customers in mind and whether it fits their needs.
People don't want to just buy things, they also want the things they buy to solve their needs and problems.
So, ask yourself what needs and problems can your product solve for your customers?

How will the product make customers' lives better? Answering these questions will help you determine the right messages for your product marketing advertisement.
The value placed on your product is more important than the product's capabilities. You have to focus on the benefits of your product rather than the features.
Each feature must be developed to provide benefits for the customer.

Just like a product, you also need to focus on your customers or potential business customers in planning your marketing strategy.
You really have to understand them. Their characteristics, behavior and more are key to understanding customers.
Start by doing research and gathering any information about the intended target customers, such as: age, gender, education, marital status, hobbies and professions.
Interview your customers. Set up phone calls or meetings with customers and ask about their preferences for your products.

Listen to how they speak and the language they use, this can help shape the narrative of your product marketing strategy later.
Any information that comes from a customer can be helpful in uncovering your customer's preferences, and the best way to market your product to them.
In your research, you'll probably find some patterns in common among customers.
These similarities can be grouped to help create buyer personas, or the archetype of your ideal customer, and how customers behave.
This way, you can focus on marketing to one type of buyer instead of your entire customer base – which is inefficient.
You have to have an innovative product, or at least one that can solve common business challenges.

Marketing Team
Building and promoting a product requires team effort and cooperation. However, keeping several teams on the same track consistently is no easy task. The product marketing team should be the bridge between sales, marketing, methods and development. With many people in a team working on one project, it's easy to have miscommunication and disorganization that can derail the progress of your product marketing strategy.

Make plans and product roadmaps so that all parties involved in the team can work in harmony and synergy.
The product roadmap provides an overview of the entire product marketing plan and guides the team on what needs to be done and the results at each step of the process.
You can maintain visibility across projects and make sure all parties involved know what they are working on.

Of course you need to communicate with your customers. According to several research results related to product marketing, 57% of consumers feel confident when they are emotionally connected to a brand.
And of course the emotional connection is built through the messages you convey regarding the products you are marketing.
Your product message should be created narratively. Because narratives are the easiest way to get your customers to connect with your products.

You can write articles on a blog and take advantage of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) feature so that inspiring articles related to your business products can be found easily on the internet.
In order to create an effective story or narrative, you need to identify the unique selling proposition of your product. Basically, What is the main value that you want to convey to the customer?

Having a solid product and a mature strategy is not the end of your job. You can't expect customers to buy your product in droves if they don't know anything about it.
Therefore, you need to deliver product information through strategic promotion.
Your promotion plan should elaborate and convey your product message to customers at the right time.

If you've done your research and built up your buyer personas, you should have no problem identifying your target customers.
The timing of executing product promotions is also important. You have to do research on the market as a whole, for example, in what season is suitable to start promoting your business products.
The point is you need to make sure you have a strong match between the market and product.

You can't expect your product marketing strategy to produce perfect results right away. The worst possibility or risk of failure should be considered. Then, all you have to do is evaluate your product marketing performance.
This analysis element is important for the product marketing strategy to work effectively.
Once you've implemented your promotion and product plan, you need to review it to see how successful your strategy was.

Look carefully at the possible fault points. And adjust your strategy going forward from the results of the analysis that has been studied.
By understanding these elements, it is hoped that your business product marketing strategy will run effectively and efficiently.
Always evaluate the performance of your product marketing strategy when it has been executed, so that it is always consistent with your marketing and business objectives.


Visual Merchandising is Important for Your Retail Business

Why is Visual Merchandising Essential in Retail Business? 

     Maybe you've been at the point of frustration when you failed to make a profit in running a retail business.
The solution is to implement a retail business marketing strategy that can attract customers.
One of the important keys to your retail business marketing strategy is to run a visual merchandising strategy.

Visual Merchandising for Retail Business

What is Visual Merchandising?

Visual merchandising is a marketing practice that uses floor plans, lighting, colors, technology, displays, and other elements to attract customer attention. Its ultimate goal is to use retail space to generate more sales.
Visual merchandising is a process of planning, designing, and displaying products to highlight their features and benefits. Its purpose is to attract and motivate customers to buy something. (

Products are clearly displayed, and create convenience for customers in obtaining their needs.
Reading this article you will be able to answer a number of questions such as:
- What does visual merchandising mean?
- Efforts made by manufacturers to create impressions or perceptions that are in accordance with the products being sold.
- How does visual merchandising benefit visitors?

Visual Merchandising is an Important Marketing Strategy for Retail Businesses

In order to make your visual merchandising strategy work smoothly, here are the key points you should consider:

Try to Understand the Point of View as a Customer
Marketing or displaying products must suit your targeted customers. Visual merchandising can help you out.
For example, if your target market is children, then organize your product according to their degree.
Step into your own retail store and assume that you are here to shop as a customer.
Then think about what you need to do to map out where and how products are displayed and what settings are right for your customers, according to your target market.
You can also visit various other retail stores and learn what is positive there for you to adopt later.

Maintain and Focus on Display Products
Make a list of products according to the level of priority and the various categories that have been considered, then display these products.
Make sure that the front display of your retail store is for your premium products which will attract more customer attention.
Display the products that you want to sell in large quantities in the "heart" of your store.

Position Your Products Properly
Visual merchandising marketing strategy with product positioning is a very important factor related to customer satisfaction.
Customers will make perceptions about products according to their standards, mindsets and degrees.
For example, you should separate and position products that are luxury, for daily needs, and for cleaning needs.
So that customers can access the products they want and need easily.

Pay Attention to Room Design for Displaying Your Products
Some research says that when you want to display products in a retail store, every room design for product placement must be considered.
One of the implementations of a visual merchandising strategy is to make a room design that is attractive and striking to customers.

Every product has its own point of view to show. For example, if you want to place a floor cleaning product, then try placing it on the floor of the special area selling floor cleaning tools that you have set up, so that customers can try and experience it for real.
Another example, if you want to sell toilet wall tiles, then create a toilet room design with the ceramic products you are going to sell. So that customers will also feel the product in real terms.

Create a User Experience for Your Customers
This will make your retail store one step ahead of traditional retail stores.
Direct use of the product will create a user experience that leads to customer satisfaction, so that customers will feel close to the products you offer.

Create an environment where customers really feel the product before they buy the product.
For example, if a customer wants to buy a sofa, display it and place the sofa in a room where the buyer can feel comfortable.

Create an Attractive Presentation Proposal
Maybe this matter was not seriously mined by the retail business owner.
A visual merchandising strategy is a form of product presentation that also plays an important role in getting the attention of potential clients.
Make a good presentation materials and organize your products the way the client wants. Enhance your product presentations with the perfect mix of colors, photos and graphics.

Why is Visual Merchandising Important?
Because the first goal of the strategy is to lure customers or potential clients so that they will buy your product and remember your retail selling style.
The second goal is to create a different look from your competitors, and this is important to ensure your retail business runs sustainably.
A lot of the focus you should consider on visual merchandising as your retail business marketing strategy.


Ways to Make a Successful Cosmetics Business

This Marketing Strategy will Make Your Cosmetics Business Successful

     The cosmetic business is currently growing rapidly. Many women need cosmetics, both in the form of make-up as well as facial and hair care products.
If you have been struggling with the cosmetics business, but are still experiencing sales problems that have not met targets, below we will discuss the right cosmetic business marketing strategy so that your business is better known and can increase sales.

Cosmetic Business

Tips to Make a Successful Cosmetics Business

Choose a Niche
Choose your area of specialization in which you have experience producing or selling cosmetic products. For example, say you know something about selling organic makeup, special effects makeup, lip care products, or mineral cosmetics. (

Concentrate on the cosmetic area that you know and are good at, so you can plan your business well.
Narrow down your specialty or interest in cosmetics. Don't try to sell or produce too many items at once in your business's early days.
Also, by selecting your niche, you can concentrate on creating impressive marketing materials such as brochure designs that target specific consumers.

Use Marketing Online and Offline
Currently, there are many promotional media that you can use, which are free or paid, online or offline media.
All of these media can be used and very potential.
Each media promotion has different rules, and different target markets.
In order for the promotion of your cosmetic products to be successful, don't forget to do some research first.

Make Tutorial Videos
For the cosmetic business, apart from displaying products and knowing the benefits, sometimes customers want to know how to apply them. Making video tutorials on cosmetic use can be the solution.
By making video tutorials, you will indirectly educate potential buyers about the benefits and how to use these products without having to sacrifice a lot of testers to try, with a wider level of promotion reach.

Give Special Prices
Discounts are very attractive to most women. Take advantage of it. Apply special prices or promotions at certain times. For example, on Valentine's Day, give discounts so that women can dress as beautifully as possible for their partner.
You can also apply special prices for customers who become members of your store.
No need to be afraid of loss. A low price will attract more customers, so that you actually make a profit.

Give away Free Products
In addition to giving discounts, you can also give cosmetic products for free.
For example, certain products are free, for every purchase of two types of cosmetics. You can also give free products to consumers who are having a birthday, recently married consumers, even pregnant consumers. Ensure that the free product is of good quality.

Packaging Must Be Attractive & Has Characteristics
To make your cosmetics business easy for consumers to remember, create attractive packaging, such as using unique materials, for example recycled paper, or dried leaf decorations.
You can also choose an unusual packaging form. If most cosmetic products use square-shaped containers, you can use triangular or flower-shaped containers.

The same goes for plastic wrap. Instead of using plastic which is hard to decompose in nature, why not use paper bags?
You can adjust the color to match the shop's signature color.
For example, suppose your shop decoration is dominated by green. Make the paper bags green or brown, so customers get the impression that your shop is a piece of nature.

Providing Education and Maintain Good Communication
You have to know the details of the cosmetic products that are being sold. Explain to the consumer the benefits and how to use it. Thus, they will avoid using cosmetic errors which lead to allergies.
Make sure there is a label or small piece of paper containing instructions for use in each cosmetic product.
Take a personal approach to the customer. Apart from talking about cosmetics, you can also have more general talks like hobbies and daily activities. Make the customer feel close.

Get an Opinion And Improve
Since you're new to this business, you'll likely make a lot of mistakes as part of the learning process.
Making mistakes is human, but you must learn from them to move forward. Get opinions from experts in the cosmetic field, as well as feedback from consumers, and make necessary improvements.


This Method can Increase Your Cafe Earnings

Simple Tips to Increase Your Cafe's Income 

      Maybe you dream to own and run a cafe business. To make that dream come true, you must have a well-conceived strategy, so that people like hanging out at your cafe, and can increase revenue.
Creating a cafe isn't just thinking about the coffee blends you will serve to customers.
You also have to consider costs, profit margins, and target market. Here are some steps that you can practice to increase your cafe's income.

Cafe Business

Simple Ways to Increase Your Cafe's Income

Pay Attention to Your Cafe Branding
Building a strong brand image or brands is very important for your cafe business. Because from a brand, you are communicating a concept to customers and also the uniqueness of a cafe to customers.
The brand also sends an implied message about the products you offer to customers.
Make your cafe's brand permeate everything you do. Starting from the logo, product packaging, and design of your cafe space.
You can communicate your brand via social media to bring your cafe closer to your target market (customers).

The three important things of creating a brand are:
1. Try to make the brand resonate with your personal values.
2. Communicate your "feel" or feelings towards your brand.
3. Make the brand tell a simple but deep meaning.

Fine-tune Your Menu List
Understand how much it will cost to make each item on your cafe menu, and then identify the profit margin for each.
Assemble the best performing menu items – and ways to promote them. A menu item that sells well and has a high profit margin is your golden ticket to profits.
If a menu item is selling well but is costly to produce, return to your supply chain. Have you invested time in building a relationship with an excellent supplier? Can you get products more cost-effectively elsewhere? Can you strike a deal with your existing supplier? (

Highlight the Uniqueness of Your Cafe
A uniqueness will set your cafe apart from other cafes. The uniqueness of the cafe can be created by making high quality coffee standards, or making a set of your signature cafe drink.
Do you want to make an interesting specialty drink? Or do you just want to include local and organic products in your cafe menu?
And does your cafe have a theme related to your coffee shop? Whatever uniqueness you want to offer, communicate that to your customers.
To get a unique taste, you can look for coffee suppliers who can provide you with the best quality coffee beans.
In addition to providing the best quality coffee products, hold a training program that trains you and your baristas in making the best coffee.

Do it Yourself
Do everything, especially related to the rehabilitation and repair of your cafe equipment, from yourself.
Today, with advances in technology and information, you can find everything about how to repair things on the internet.
If you are able to design decorations according to the concept and theme of your cafe, that will be an added value.
Because the advantage of doing it yourself is that it increases your creativity, and you can also cut expenses that come out significantly.

Get Regular Customers
Regular customers or loyal customers are an important key for cafe business. Make your cafe as comfortable as possible so customers will always come back to your cafe.
This is where your cafe marketing role matters. You can use various ways to bring in your regular customers, such as using a word of mouth strategy, making a customer comfortable with your cafe services, and that customer will incite other friends to come to your cafe.

Providing membership cards can also bring in more regular customers.
However, there are other unique ways you can attract regular, and cost-friendly customers, such as taking a family-friendly approach to your customers.
Cafe baristas can chat and talk about many things in order to get to know more about the customer's personality, and of course, increase customer comfort. Or occasionally you can give customers free drinks.
The point is to do anything to get the customer's heart, because this will launch a word of mouth strategy, besides you intensify your cafe's marketing via social media to get regular customers.


The Importance Of Business Communication

Why is Business Communication Important?

     Communication is an important factor to create a better social life. In the business world, communication is an important factor in the success of a business.
With good communication, business owners can better sell their products and also avoid misunderstandings with other parties. (
Communication is the process of how humans share information, be it verbally, nonverbally or in written form. Learning to communicate better can enhance your business performance.

Business Comunication

In business activities such as marketing, it certainly requires good communication, especially to consumers, so that the products that are owned can be fully accepted.
Communication can be interpreted as a communication that is carried out verbally and non-verbally.

Types of Business Communication

In communication there are opinions, ideas, ideas and information that are conveyed for business purposes, for example making business strategies.
Communication can be done in a personal or impersonal. In addition, in every job advertisement, there are usually conditions that employees can communicate well.
In business, there are two types of communication. Here are the types of business communication:

1. Horizontal Communication
Horizontal communication is a way of communicating that aims to establish good relations between superiors at the same level and is usually realized by holding regular meetings.

2. Vertical Communication
Vertical communication is the process of passing information from superiors to subordinates or vice versa. For example, every employee must report to their superiors every day so they can coordinate all activities, and the company's human resources work optimally, so that the company's operations run smoothly according to objectives.

From such conditions, it is very important that business communication is applied to all business people, both as superiors and subordinates. In addition, there are several factors that influence business communication.

Factors Affecting Business Communications

In order to achieve business goals, communication should be done effectively. Here are some of the factors that affect business communication:
Every communicator must be able to predict that what is conveyed will be clearly received by those who listen to it.

In every communication, the communicator must be able to convince the listener, so that trust is established between the two of them.

With compatibility, between the two parties a better and more pleasant relationship will be established, resulting in mutual trust and comfort when communicating.

Before communicating with listeners, the communicator must have a good frame of mind so that communication can be well established and messages can be conveyed in an appropriate manner.

Purpose of Business Communication

In every business communication there must be a goal to be achieved, here are 3 main business communication goals that you should know:
- Providing information (informing)
- Providing persuasion (persuading)
- Doing collaboration (collaborating)

Giving Information
The first objective is to provide information. The information conveyed is information that is related to the business and is conveyed in a correct and appropriate manner.
For example, a director is looking for a candidate to become a new secretary with all the requirements that must be met and posted in print and online media.
Placing advertisements in print and online media is what is called providing information in business, namely information to find a new secretary.

Providing Persuasion
The second purpose of communication is to persuade. Persuasion is communication that is used with the aim of convincing and influencing other people.
In business communication, persuasion is mostly done, especially in matters related to business negotiations.

The last objective in business communication is to cooperate between the two parties.
By carrying out good cooperation between the two parties, success in business can be achieved more easily.
Communication in business must be implemented properly, if you feel you can't communicate well, then you better start learning to hone yourself so you are good at communicating.
In addition to being good at communicating, you must also be good at managing your business finances.

How To Improve Business Communication Skills

Improving communication skills requires a little practice. Try the following techniques to become a better communicator:

Learn Listening
Practice active listening techniques and turn off the internal dialogue to fully focus on what is communicated to you. Ask questions and repeat the message to let the other person know you understand what they communicated.
You can also consider using nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions and gestures, to convey that you are engaged.

Train your memory for faces and names
Being able to remember other people's names can help you connect more with co-workers and clients at work. Take some time to match names to faces, and find ways to improve your memory.
Find facts about each person, such as their hometown or their favorite food. Take mental notes or write them down.

Use Technologies
Technology today makes communications faster and more effective. Consider using a company intranet or a shared platform where you can communicate quickly and efficiently.
Integrate collaboration programs that can keep employees informed of each other's progress and provide guidance throughout projects.
Consider hands-on training for digital communications through instant messaging, email, and specialized collaboration software, to ensure you and your team can communicate effectively in any format.

Take courses
Consider taking communications courses at a local college or university.
Online classes also allow you to set your own study schedule and may offer different courses with different styles of communication.
Invite co-workers to join you, and practice your skills on each other.
In addition, you can also ask your supervisor to conduct a communication workshop, or plan a team building exercise that also focuses on communication skills.


Guide on How to Start a Business Daycare Center

How to Start a Daycare Center: Steps for Success

     Many parents work outside the home, so preschool-aged children are placed in some form of daycare.
Many children are cared for by nannies, babysitters or other family members, while nearly a quarter (23.4%) of children under the age of five attend organized daycare centres.

Starting Daycare Business

This presents a business opportunity for those of you who want to start your own daycare business.
Starting a daycare center can be personally rewarding and financially rewarding.
Do you want to open your own day care center in the US? Follow the step-by-step process guide below to open a successful daycare business.

Decide on the Type of Daycare Business

Before you can write a business plan for your child care business, you need to decide what type you want to open.
Find out whether you want to start your daycare business at home, or in a more commercial facility — there may be different permits required in your area.
You will also need to decide on the age group you want to focus on.
You'll also have to decide on a business entity, which will have a big impact on how you're taxed, and how you run your daycare business. Are you going to have a partner or open your own business?
In addition, you also need to consider whether you want a business entity that will offer you protection. Setting up your childcare center as a limited liability company may be a good move, as the business will be held liable if something goes wrong. (

Do Market Research Before Opening A Daycare Business

In the initial stages, you have to do market research.
Learn who your target market is and where you will be opening day care.
For example, how many children do you receive, at what age can children be entrusted with day care, how much is the salary of parents in the local area each month, etc.
By doing market research, you can determine several things, such as knowing the parents' salaries to determine daycare costs.

Determine Strategic Daycare Locations

Location is one of the determining factors for your daycare business to run well.
So, be sure to choose a location that is not too far from the road and has easy access.
In choosing a location, you also have to ensure that the day care location is in good condition, clean, comfortable and safe for children.
Make sure the daycare location is away from crowds of vehicles, swimming pools that are too deep, or other things that could endanger children.

Hire Qualified Caregivers

In running a daycare business, you also have to be right in choosing a babysitter who is an expert and competent.
Because, as a day care owner, you must be responsible for the children whose parents have entrusted them to you.
Choose a nanny or employee who loves children and can educate them properly, safely and professionally.
Don't let your parents be disappointed and leave your day care just because the upbringing is wrong and not good.

Provide Play Equipment

The daycare business is not only a daycare facility, but also a place for education or learning for children.
By opening a day care, you have to pay attention to the facilities and activities of children, one of which is playing.
There are many playground equipment that children can use.
So, make sure that the children's play equipment is complete and safe to use.
You can also choose educational play equipment such as puzzles, wooden blocks, games of matching shapes and colors, etc.

Determine the Right Price for Your Daycare Business

To determine the price of daycare, you have to look at the target market that you have determined at the start.
Are they from the lower middle class, or the middle class up?
If your target is the lower middle class, you have to provide an affordable price.
However, if your target is the upper middle class, you can raise the price a little higher by providing other additional facilities that can be your selling point for day care, such as providing reports on child development, conducting periodic health checks, and so on.

Create a Daycare Business Licensing Letter

No entrepreneur wants to experience business problems in the future, especially in matters of licensing.
So, before starting your business, make sure you have obtained a daycare business permit, so that your business is legal before the law, and reduces the risk of future lawsuits.
For licensing issues, you can take care of it directly to the relevant department.

Do Daycare Business Promotions Regularly

After everything has been prepared carefully, you can start promoting your daycare business.
You can promote your day care business in kindergarten schools or promote it via online media.
When promoting your business, try to attract your target with the superior services and facilities your day care has.