This Method can Increase Your Cafe Earnings

Simple Tips to Increase Your Cafe's Income 

      Maybe you dream to own and run a cafe business. To make that dream come true, you must have a well-conceived strategy, so that people like hanging out at your cafe, and can increase revenue.
Creating a cafe isn't just thinking about the coffee blends you will serve to customers.
You also have to consider costs, profit margins, and target market. Here are some steps that you can practice to increase your cafe's income.

Cafe Business

Simple Ways to Increase Your Cafe's Income

Pay Attention to Your Cafe Branding
Building a strong brand image or brands is very important for your cafe business. Because from a brand, you are communicating a concept to customers and also the uniqueness of a cafe to customers.
The brand also sends an implied message about the products you offer to customers.
Make your cafe's brand permeate everything you do. Starting from the logo, product packaging, and design of your cafe space.
You can communicate your brand via social media to bring your cafe closer to your target market (customers).

The three important things of creating a brand are:
1. Try to make the brand resonate with your personal values.
2. Communicate your "feel" or feelings towards your brand.
3. Make the brand tell a simple but deep meaning.

Fine-tune Your Menu List
Understand how much it will cost to make each item on your cafe menu, and then identify the profit margin for each.
Assemble the best performing menu items – and ways to promote them. A menu item that sells well and has a high profit margin is your golden ticket to profits.
If a menu item is selling well but is costly to produce, return to your supply chain. Have you invested time in building a relationship with an excellent supplier? Can you get products more cost-effectively elsewhere? Can you strike a deal with your existing supplier? (myob.com)

Highlight the Uniqueness of Your Cafe
A uniqueness will set your cafe apart from other cafes. The uniqueness of the cafe can be created by making high quality coffee standards, or making a set of your signature cafe drink.
Do you want to make an interesting specialty drink? Or do you just want to include local and organic products in your cafe menu?
And does your cafe have a theme related to your coffee shop? Whatever uniqueness you want to offer, communicate that to your customers.
To get a unique taste, you can look for coffee suppliers who can provide you with the best quality coffee beans.
In addition to providing the best quality coffee products, hold a training program that trains you and your baristas in making the best coffee.

Do it Yourself
Do everything, especially related to the rehabilitation and repair of your cafe equipment, from yourself.
Today, with advances in technology and information, you can find everything about how to repair things on the internet.
If you are able to design decorations according to the concept and theme of your cafe, that will be an added value.
Because the advantage of doing it yourself is that it increases your creativity, and you can also cut expenses that come out significantly.

Get Regular Customers
Regular customers or loyal customers are an important key for cafe business. Make your cafe as comfortable as possible so customers will always come back to your cafe.
This is where your cafe marketing role matters. You can use various ways to bring in your regular customers, such as using a word of mouth strategy, making a customer comfortable with your cafe services, and that customer will incite other friends to come to your cafe.

Providing membership cards can also bring in more regular customers.
However, there are other unique ways you can attract regular, and cost-friendly customers, such as taking a family-friendly approach to your customers.
Cafe baristas can chat and talk about many things in order to get to know more about the customer's personality, and of course, increase customer comfort. Or occasionally you can give customers free drinks.
The point is to do anything to get the customer's heart, because this will launch a word of mouth strategy, besides you intensify your cafe's marketing via social media to get regular customers.

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