How to Convert Visitors into Buyers in Online Business

Tips to Convert Your Web Visitors into Buyers

     The amount of visits to the website cannot be a benchmark that sales will increase and business is growing better. This is because visitors are just window shopping in your online shop.
Many factors can cause visitors to just window shop at your online store, one of which is because your online store design is not attractive, eye-catching and user friendly.
An online store is an important element in your business that must be regularly maintained and updated, because your business storefront is there. Here are some tips to convert your website visitors into buyers.

Beautiful Woman doing Online Shopping with Laptop

Define Your Web Strategy.

Ask yourself, what's the most important function of your website? Promote your company and product? Providing information? Pursuing two or three strategies is fine, as long as you don't try to do all of them at once. If you're not clear on what you want your customers to do, they won't either. (smallbusinessbc.ca)

Attractive Online Store Design

Online store design is very influential for business development. So, as an online shop owner, you have to make the design as attractive as possible, so that visitors are interested in stopping by and buying products at your online shop. Don't use a design that is monotonous or contains only text, or only shows off your product photos with perfunctory photos. Make it look fresh and eye-catching.

Create a Clear Product Description

Product descriptions that are clear and easy to understand are necessary, because sellers and buyers do not meet in person, but transactions are made online.
So, when marketing a product, try to add a complete product description, starting from size, color, material used, and so on.
If the product description is made carelessly, online shop visitors will be lazy to look, those who previously wanted to buy, but because the product information is not clear, they will be discouraged.

Attractive Product Photos

Product photos are also a factor that can convert visitors to your online store into buyers.
We recommend that you use HD (High Definition) quality photos so that the photos look clear and good.
A clear photo will show the details and color of the product similar to the original. Take several photo angles from several angles to show your product details from different angles. This is a service that you must provide to visitors, who are likely to become your prospective buyers.

Provide Product Color Variants

The choice of product color variants is also a factor that can convert visitors to buyers. Sometimes the limited color variants make visitors not interested in the product you offer. For example, you have an online store that sells t-shirts, the colors that you offer are only 2 colors, black and white. While potential buyers sometimes like a variety of colors, such as brown, black, yellow, etc.
If the color variant they want is not available in your store, then they will look for another online store that provides a wide selection of colors.

Use Live Chat Features

Online business is not like offline stores that allow visitors to ask store employees directly. Therefore, you must provide a live chat feature as a substitute for your store employee.
With this service, visitors can easily ask questions about the products you sell. This is especially important in the world of e-commerce, as answering customer questions can increase your chances of converting visitors into buyers, which results in increased sales.

Create Urgency Conditions

This is a surefire strategy to make your online shop visitors into customers. You have to be able to lead online store visitors to become buyers by setting a product promotion period.
Make it appear as if potential buyers will be harmed if they don't buy your product right away, for example, by making a bonus offer or discount if the prospective buyer makes a transaction right away, if the transaction is on another day the bonus and discount are no longer valid.

Provide Multiple Payment Options

Ease of payment can make visitors interested in purchasing the products you offer. You have to provide as many payment options as possible to make it easier for buyers to make payment transactions at your online store. Sometimes, difficulties with payment options will keep potential buyers from completing a purchase transaction.

In the end, the key is knowing what your goals are and measuring progress toward those goals. Decide how many visits, how many leads and how many new customers you want to reach every month. Be realistic about your goals and see your web marketing as an ongoing project.

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