How Guerilla Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow

The Application of Guerilla Marketing to Business

      Guerrilla marketing was founded by Jay Conrad Levinson. This marketing principle is aiming at the maximum possible target using the minimum possible costs, such as promotions in media that reach a large number of viewers.

Guerilla Marketing in Business

To make it easier for viewers to be attracted, advertisements must be creative. Guerilla marketing also emphasizes sporadic, low-cost communication with optimal results.
Along with the expansion of internet users, this type of marketing activity has spread to the online world or is popularly known as guerilla digital marketing.
Know more about guerilla marketing and how it can be applied to business.

What Is Guerrilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is a marketing method in which a company uses surprise and/or unusual interactions to promote a product or service. (investopedia.com)
Guerrilla marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it relies more on personal interaction, and focuses on smaller groups responsible for getting the word out in a specific location rather than through widespread media campaigns.

Concept of Guerilla Marketing in Business

Guerrilla marketing is an advertising strategy using unconventional and low-cost methods such as: graffiti, sticker bombing, flash mobs, etc.
The guerrilla marketing concept was first developed as an unconventional system of promotion that relied on time, energy and imagination rather than large marketing budgets.
The goal of the guerrilla marketing concept is to create an interactive, communicative, unique concept that attracts people to think.
All of this is done to generate buzz, to encourage people to talk more about your brand and your business.

Strategy for Implementing Guerrilla Marketing in Business

Here are some specific ways or strategies for using the concept of guerrilla marketing in your business.

Get a Community
To carry out this guerrilla marketing concept, you need a community that is in accordance with the product or service that you will offer.
You can find or build a community with the help of social media. Understand and learn what that community wants.

Perform Flash Mobs
Flash mob is a form of street theater that is performed suddenly, which is usually presented in an interesting and fun way.
Of course you have to prepare documentation so that the flash mob video can be posted on YouTube and other social networks.
The more attractive a flash mob is, the easier it will become viral on social media.

Make the Buying Process Easier
Many people don't like going through complicated transaction processes to buy something. The guerrilla marketing concept can be applied to make the tedious and difficult part a little easier.

Ready to Deal with Complaints and Criticisms
Once you have presented your business to the public via social media, you must be prepared to handle complaints and criticism. Facebook, twitter etc. is a place on the internet where everyone has the freedom to voice their opinion.
Starting from positive feedback, compliments on your services, to criticism and complaints.
However, many cases of false complaints are usually made by business competitors.
Therefore, you must be prepared to discuss any complaint issues via private messages, so that the explanation can be more personal.
After you find a satisfactory solution, post the results on social media.
Block any party who intentionally wants to damage your business reputation in cyberspace.

Always Update on Changes and New Things
Social media is constantly changing. So you should pay attention to the trend. Don't get left behind in following guerrilla marketing developments.
Start with tactics and strategies to bring your business closer to your followers on social media. Pay attention to market tastes, think about your ideas, and make strategic plans.
After everything is ready, then do the implementation and see the results.

Example of a Campaign using Guerilla Marketing Concepts

Guerilla marketing is a marketing strategy that uses creative ideas to have a large impact with low marketing costs.
This guerilla marketing strategy is widely used by small-scale businesses or businesses so they can compete in competition with large companies.
Example of a campaign using the unique concept of guerilla marketing:

UNICEF Finland's “Be a Mom for a while” campaign
UNICEF Finland wants to spread awareness about the human rights of children. They placed several baby bassinets in places where people would often pass by.
And plays the audio of the baby crying from inside the bassinet. People passing by will usually check the contents of the bassinet.
Then they'll find a note inside that says “Thanks for caring. We hope there are many caring people like you. UNICEF-Be a mom for a moment'”.

Promotion in the form of creative advertising is actually quite simple. Guerrilla marketing can be said to be successful if the advertisements that are created are not only impressive, but also shareable on various social media.
The advantage of this marketing concept is that there are no standard boundaries that must be met. The creative team and public relations can collaborate with each other to make advertisements that are attractive, sellable, and will be kept in the minds of consumers.
Proper marketing strategy will determine the success of a business.

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