6 Profitable Digital Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Business Ideas for Aspiring Digital Entrepreneurs

     Current technology is developing very rapidly. Technology business products also play a major role in the development of human life.
The number of new technologies today, raises several business opportunities in the field of information technology that are profitable.
There are many business ideas that can be executed to be able to become an IT entrepreneur.

Digital Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Profitable Information Technology Business Opportunity Ideas

1. WebDeveloper
Website is one example of an IT product that has become one of the things that must be owned by a business.
There are many benefits of having a website for a business, including introducing a profile, increasing credibility, promotion, media communication, etc.
Therefore, the opportunity to create a web developer business right now is very appropriate, because many people need it, from private classes, business classes, to corporate classes.

2. Mobile Application Product Business
The development of mobile applications has experienced quite high growth, year after year the development is very significant
Especially with the rise of smartphones that make mobile applications an example of a profitable IT business product.

According to the data, the most downloaded mobile applications were in the Games category (21.69%), second place in the Education and Reference category (14.6%), third in the Business and Productivity category (13.90%).
The data states that the technology business in the game application field is the best selling at the moment, so this can be your opportunity to start a business in the mobile application product sector.

3. SEO Consultant
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one way to get your website on the first page of Google searches, so that more visitors come to your website.
The knowledge of SEO is still rarely mastered, meaning that there are still wide open opportunities to create an SEO technology business.
Moreover, the cost of SEO services is relatively expensive, especially on websites that have tough competition.

4. Graphic Design Services Business
Graphic design services also have big opportunities Not everyone can do a design even though they already have the application.
The selling price for a design is quite expensive depending on the skills of the designer.
You must have a large portfolio, the goal is for clients to know the results of the designs you have made and to offer prices more easily to clients.
You can look for clients on several famous freelance websites to offer services related to graphic design.

5. Create an Online Course
You might think it's a boring digital business, it's not if you're creative-minded.
Think of something that you have mastered over the years. Are you an excellent musician? Do you know how to perform complex video edits? (makeuseof.com)
There are always people willing to learn about your broad range of skills and whatever it is you know.
If you play the piano, consider starting an online beginner's program. Plan each lesson, thinking about what is of the greatest value.
The price is not important, it is the amount of value you will provide to others who will appreciate your expertise.

6, Content Writer
If you love to write, this digital business idea might be for you. Becoming a content writer is a skill that is in high demand today.
The results of the content writer's writing are used to attract traffic on a website.
This traffic is expected to increase a company's brand awareness and become leads or prospects for customers in the future.
Currently, there are many companies that offer freelance content writing services. Of course, this digital business opportunity can be your additional income.

As technology progresses, there are new ways to make money. 10 years ago there weren't that many people who uploaded their music videos on online platforms like Youtube and made an income. However, now many people start their music careers through Youtube and have many fans.
This condition is an example of the benefits of using technology in a positive way and can be a digital business idea to run.

In the digital business, distance and time are not the main constraints. You can enjoy online food products that are sold outside the city and reach your hands in a matter of days. You don't need to queue to buy cinema tickets because they can be ordered via your smartphone. Of course there are still many advantages that can be taken from this digital business phenomenon.

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